Surfaces - Create Cropped Surfaces

Last updated: 2023-05-01


This command will create cropped surfaces in the same drawing as the source surface. 2D or 3D polylines are used to define the boundary of the cropped surfaces. If the source surface is updated, the cropped surface can also be updated.

Breakout surface areas to be calculated

  1. In the source drawing file, draw a 2D or 3D polyline around the area to crop.
    1. This polyline needs to be closed and encompass the area to be cropped. It does NOT need to be snapped to any particular spot, unless it makes the cropped area more accurate.
    2. The cropped surface is created to the extents of the selected surface within the boundary of the selected polyline. Therefore, the polyline can be larger than the surface without affecting the cropped surfaces.
  2. Repeat this step for each surface to be cropped.


WisDOT Design tab > Design panel > Surface menu > Create Cropped Surfaces

The tool can also be accessed from the command line: DOTCREATECROPPEDSURFACES.

  1. Select Surface:(Select the surface in model space to be cropped.) 
  2. Polyline selection options [Individual/ByLayer] <Individual>:
    1. Individual
      1. Select the polyline(s) that make the cropped border of the surface.
      2. Enter to end selection set
    2. ByLayer
      1. Select polyline(s). The layer(s) of the polyline(s) selected will be used to select all polylines on those layers.
      2. Enter to end selection set
  3. Associate Alignment? [Yes/No] <Yes>:
    1. Select an alignment: (Select an alignment in model space.)
    2. An associated alignment is used for computing the station range when running the 3D Surface Area Report

Cropped surfaces are automatically named <[Original Surface Name]> – Cropped<[next counter]>

Updating Cropped Surfaces

  1. To update the cropped surface(s), SAVE the drawing to commit the source surface changes to the database.
  2. To rebuild the cropped surfaces(s), Prospector > Right-click on Surfaces > Rebuild Out of Date Items.