QTO - 3D Surface Area Report

Last updated: 2024-01-29


This report will create an Excel spreadsheet that includes station range and 3D surface area of selected surfaces.


WisDOT Design tab > Analyze panel > QTO dropdown > 3D Surface Area

The tool can also be accessed from the command line: DOTREPORT3DSURFACEAREAS.

  1. In the 3D Surface Areas Report dialog, select surface(s) from the listbox. Use Shift or Ctrl buttons to select multiple surfaces.
  2. Select the default alignment to be used to compute the surface station range. (If the Create Cropped Surfaces command was used to create a surface, the surface will already have a default alignment associated.)
  3. Set the station and area precision values.
  4. Select the output units for area (SY or SF).
  5. Provide a name for the Excel Worksheet.
  6. Click the folder icon to open the Save File As.. dialog. If the workbook already exists, it will be appended with the specified worksheet.
  7. Create Report

Sample report
