QTO - Earthwork Detail Report

Last updated: 2022-08-30


This report will create an Excel spreadsheet that includes the details of the earthwork computations for a given range of sample lines in a sample line group using the WisDOT Mass Ordinate. The report is a proposed alternative to the current Earthwork, and avoids the need to export xml files.


WisDOT Design tab > Analyze panel > QTO dropdown > Earthwork Detail Report

The tool can also be accessed from the command line: DOTREPORTEARTHWORKDETAIL

  1. Select a sample line for the start of the slope stake report.
  2. Select a sample line for the end of the slope stake report, or select [End] at the command line to choose the last sample line in the sample line group. The end sample line must be in the same sample line group as the start sample line.
  3. Select the Materials List to report on.
  4. Fill in the various factors to use when computing the final earthwork quantities. These values must be obtained from the project soils report.
  5. Choose the mass ordinate options to be used for the calculations.
  6. Enter the desired name for the Excel worksheet.
    1. Worksheet names must not exceed 31 characters.
    2. You can use all alphanumeric characters but not the following special characters: \ , / , * , ? , : , [ , ].
  7. Click the folder icon to open the Save File As.. dialog.
    1. If the workbook already exists, it will be appended.
    2. If the worksheet name already exists in the workbook, it will be overwritten.
  8. The workbook must be closed when creating the report. When ready to create the report, click Create Report. The report will be created and opened.
  9. The Earthwork Detail Report dialog is modeless, so it can remain open when switching between drawings. This avoids the need to re-enter values when running multiple reports for the same project.