Earthwork quantities sheet

Last updated: 2022-11-01

Total video time: 37:43


Per FDM 11-5-10.6, Earthwork quantities should be included on each cross-section sheet unless a separate “Earthwork data” sheet, identified in FDM 15-1-40, is included in the plan. This workflow covers creating Earthwork Data Sheets.

The Earthwork Summary Tables produced in WisDOT’s earthwork process are not shown in the Earthwork Data portion of the plan. Per FDM 15-1-30, an Earthwork Summary is to be shown in the Miscellaneous Quantities portion of the plan. The Miscellaneous Quantities topic covers this process.

FDM 11-5-10 Earthwork

FDM 15-1-40 Earthwork Data Sheet

FDM 15-1-30 Miscellaneous Quantities

Option 1: Civil 3D data link method

The following workflow utilizes Excel named ranges, Civil 3D Data Links and a custom Civil 3D table style to stylize and place Earthwork Data tables in the Civil 3D plan sheet. The resulting plan sheets contain searchable text. Updates to the earthwork data tables are relatively straight forward when using the latest tools, named ranges, and data links.

Option 2: Paste link method

The paste link method relies on copying the cells in Excel and Pasting a Link in Civil 3D. The content shown updates automatically in Civil 3D when it is updated in Excel. The final output in Civil 3D is an OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object and is published as an image in the final PDF. The text is unsearchable in the PDF. Updates to the existing OLE Table in Civil 3D are automatically consumed. To update a table with different dimensions, the object in Civil 3D must be deleted and re-pasted from the Excel file.

Warning: This method has a known issue associated with it. Please see Known issue - Excel Civil 3D quantities "Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action." for more information.