Curb ramp detail sheet

Last updated: 2025-03-03

Total video time: 1:13:35

Prerequisite: This workflow requires a detailed curb ramp surface to create label-only pipe network structures and associated labels and tables. Please see Curb ramp design with feature lines on how create this surface.


Roadway Model Requirements: FDM 15-5-7.2

Sample detail sheet: 021301-cr.pdf

Curb Ramp Requirements: FDM 11-46-10

WisDOT Civil 3D Project Data Workflow Map

Civil 3D Project Folder Structure: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.1

Civil 3D Object and File Abbreviation Standards: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.2

Civil 3D Drawing Naming Convention: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.3

Civil 3D Object Naming Convention: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.4