Curb ramp detail sheet
Last updated: 2024-05-07
Total video time: 75:16
Prerequisite: This workflow requires a detailed curb ramp surface to create label-only pipe network structures and associated labels and tables. Please see Curb ramp design with feature lines on how create this surface.
Roadway Model Requirements: FDM 15-5-7.2
Sample detail sheet: 021301-cr.pdf
Curb Ramp Requirements: FDM 11-46-10
WisDOT Civil 3D Project Data Workflow Map
Civil 3D Project Folder Structure: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.1
Civil 3D Object and File Abbreviation Standards: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.2
Civil 3D Drawing Naming Convention: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.3
Civil 3D Object Naming Convention: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.4
Datasets for live class
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-01.mp4 1:22
- Curb Ramp Detail Sheets
- Produced using curb ramp surface models
- See FDM 11-46-10.2.3 for curb ramp detail sheet requirements and list of suggested detail in the curb ramp detail sheet.
Workflow Overview
- Curb Ramp Design (Link to C3DKB)
- Plans Production Curb Ramp Detail Sheets
- Data reference design objects
- External reference existing and design drawings
- Create view frame
- Draw approximate pavement joints at grade changes
- Add elevation points
- Pipe network structures
- Create structure table
- Add slope labels
- Add miscellaneous annotations
- Re-align view frame and create sheet layout
- Add layout to sheet set
Sample Project Data
Sample project data should be downloaded and extracted to C:\WisDOT\Design\c3d. For subsequent versions of files as the training moves on, copy the individual files into the folders as structured in the zip files.
Create curb ramp detail plan sheet drawing
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-02.mp4 5:19
Exercise files:
- Create new drawing using C:\WisDOT\Stnd\C3DXXXX\Templates\Begin-dwg\design-wisdotXX.dwt.
- Save: ProjectID\SheetsPlan\023101-cr.dwg
- Load sheets components
- WisDOT Sheets tab > Standards Components panel > Add All Components
- Toolspace > Prospector > Data Shortcuts > Create Data Shortcut References
- Surfaces
- Roadway design refinement top surface (Rfnt-All-Top)
- Style: _No Display
- Curb ramp design refinement surfaces (Rfnt-2ndNW-Top)
- Style: Slope Intercept
- Existing Surface (Exist)
- Style: _No Display
- Roadway design refinement top surface (Rfnt-All-Top)
- Alignments
- Mainline reference alignment: 51
- Alignment style: ALI Proposed
- Alignment label set: 1IN 40FT-Ticks 100' Major:25' Minor
- Side road reference alignment: Lcl-2ndAve, Lcl-3rdAve, 47
- Alignment style: ALI Proposed
- Alignment label set: 1IN 40FT-Ticks 100' Major:25' Minor
- Curb Return Alignments: Int-2ndNW-Flag
- Alignment style: RDWY Curb&Gutter Flange
- Alignment label set: _No Labels
- Curb Return Profiles: Same as curb return alignment
- Profile style: PROF Proposed
- Profile label set: _No Labels
- Mainline reference alignment: 51
- Surfaces
- WisDOT Sheets tab > Manage & Support panel > Load Xref on Layer
- Create External references of the following drawings
- Existing Topography (ProjectID\BaseData\Topo-Ex.dwg)
- Proposed Roadway and Curb Ramp Edgelines (ProjectID\Design\Edgelines\pavt.dwg)
- (If applicable) Storm Sewer - Inlets Only (ProjectID\Design\PipeNetwork\PipeNetworks - Inlets.dwg)
- (If applicable) Traffic Signals
- (If applicable) Street Lighting(ProjectID\Design\Edgelines\Lighting.dwg)
- (If applicable) Pavement Marking (ProjectID\Design\Edgelines\PM.dwg)
- (If applicable) Right of Way (Existing and Proposed) (ProjectID\RW\Ult-RW.dwg)
- Create External references of the following drawings
- Clean up the drawing by freezing/turning off unnecessary external reference layers.
Create sheet set
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If not already completed for the Civil 3D Project, create a sheet set before making plan sheets. See the topic here: Sheet sets
Create view frames
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Create view frame
A view frame will be used to create a curb ramp detail sheet for each curb ramp location.
Output tab > Plan Production ribbon > Create View Frames
- Alignment
- Alignment: 51 (Main roadway)
- Station Range: Specify a short 50' range near the curb ramp.
- Start: 524+50
- End: 525+00
- Next>
- Sheets: Sheet Settings
- Choose the sheet type you want to generate: Plan(s) only
- Template for plan and profile sheet:
- C:\WisDOT\Stnd\C3D2018\Templates\Sheets\02-PD-wdot18.dwt
- Layout template: Plan 1 IN 10 FT
- OK
- View Frame Placement: Along alignment
- Next>
- View Frame Group:
- Name: VFG - 2ndNW
- Next>
- Match Lines
- Insert match lines: Unchecked
- Create View Frames
- Alignment
Adjust the view frame to surround the curb ramp area
- Select the view frame
Click the square grip and move to surround the curb ramp area.
The view frame will be adjusted later on to match the desired plan sheet area
Adjust the model annotation scale to match the sheet annotation scale
Tip: Rotate the view to match the orientation of the view frame. UCS > select top left of view frame > select top right of view frame > digitize a point above the view frame > PLAN > Current > Enter
Save the view for each curb ramp location
- View Tab > Views panel > View Manager
- New
- View Name: 2ndNW (curb ramp quadrant)
- Boundary: Define Window
- Click the object picker
to define the window
- Snap to the view frame
- Enter to accept
- Click the object picker
- OK
- OK
Review and add sidewalk joints
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- Home tab > Layers > Layer Drop Down > Select P_Path_Sidewalk to make the layer active
Home tab > Draw > Polyline
- Draw a polyline at each of the locations representing sidewalk tie in joints and any curb ramp significant grade change locations.
- Select the polylines > Right click > Properties > Line type > Wisdot1
Create pipe network
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Pipe network structures will be used to create the elevation points, labels, and tables for the important locations of a curb ramp.
- Home tab > Create Design panel > Pipe Network > Pipe Network Creation Tools
- Network Name: 2ndNW(Curb Ramp Name)
- Network parts list: Detail Sheets
- Surface name: Rfnt-2ndNW-Top (Curb ramp design surface)
- Alignment Name: 51 (Main roadway reference alignment)
- Structure label style: Detail Sheets - Elevation
- Pipe label style: <none>
Network Layout Tools > Pipe Network Properties
- Verify the settings under Labels, Network Parts List, and Default object reference match what was set in the creation dialog box.
Name Templates 1. Structures:
to edit the name template.
Name: <[Next Counter]> 1. Number Style: 01, 02, 03.... 2. Starting number: 1
Tip: For each subsequent pipe network/curb ramp location, modify the starting number in a way to not over-write previously named/numbered structures and provide a name/number buffer between curb ramp locations. IE: First curb ramp occupies numbers 1 - 23. Start the second curb ramp structure name template at 30.
Determine key elevation point locations
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Recommended locations for elevation points are posted here: FDM 11-46-10.2.3
- Curb return geometry points
- Find curb quarter points
Draw an arc along the arc portion of curb return: Home tab > Draw panel > Arc > 3-Point
- DIVIDE Enter
- Select the arc
- Number of segments: 4Enter
DDPTYPE Enter to change display style for points
Choose the style, set as absolute units and size to 1
Select and Delete the arc
- Profile Points: Select the alignment > Right-Click > Edit Alignment labels
- Type: Profile Geometry Points
- Profile Geometry Point Label Style: Standard
Edit the Label Style
- Layout Tab
- Component Name: Line
- Start Point Y Offset: 0.00"
- OK
- Add>>
- Select Profile: 2ndAve-NWQuad-Flag (curb return vertical profile)
- Uncheck all geometry points
- Check Low Point, High Point, Grade Break, Point of Vertical Intersection
- OK
- Find curb quarter points
Create pipe network structures
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- Network Layout Tools > Structure Part Selection drop-down > Concentric Cylinder Structure > Concentric Structure 48 dia....
- Network Layout Tools > Draw Pipes and Structures button > Structures Only
- Recommended layout of structures/elevation points:
- Work from downstation to upstation of the curb return alignment
- Work in "layers" through the curb ramp for consistent numbering
- Flange Line
- Curb Back
- Ramps
- Sidewalk Landings
- Tie-in Points
- If some elevations are "0", there isn't a surface definition in that exact location. Best practice is to add the required locations as frequencies to the curb and gutter corridor in the curb ramp design drawing.
- Recommended elevation point locations
- Curb and gutter flange geometry points and intersections with cross walk
- Curb back/curb ramp lower landing and taper intersection points
- Ramp
- Upper Landing
- Tie in locations
- Locations of sidewalk grade change
- Recommended layout of structures/elevation points:
- Remove the profile labels from the curb and gutter flange alignment.
- Select the alignment > Right-Click > Edit Alignment labels
- Select the Profile Geometry Points line
- Select and delete the points created along the alignment.
Adjust labels
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The goal is to adjust the labels so they aren't impeding background linework. Try to place the labels in white space.
- Select the label
- Adjust the label location using square grip
- Adjust leader anchor location
Create additional structures and update naming
Create additional structures at any new locations as needed.
Create pipe network structure table
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Add table
Annotate tab > Labels & Tables panel > Add Tables > Pipe Network > Add Structure
Structure Table Creation dialog:
- Table Style: Detail Sheets
- By Network: checked
- Select Network: 2ndNW (choose the curb ramp pipe network)
Split Table:
Tip: Optional depending on number of structures/elevation points. A good starting point is divide the number of elevation points by 2 and put that in the "Maximum rows per table." Round up for odd numbers.
- Maximum rows per table: 18
- Maximum tables per stack: 3
- Offset (distance between tables): 0.5"
- Tile tables: Across
- Behavior: Dynamic
- OK
- Digitize the location of the table
- Rotate the table to match the view orientation
- Select the tables > Home tab > Modify panel > Rotate
- Specify base point: Choose the top left corner of the view frame
- Specify rotation angle:Reference Enter
- Specify reference angle: Choose the top left corner of the table
- Specify second point: Choose the top right corner of the table
- Specify the new angle: Choose the top right corner of the view frame
- Select the tables > Home tab > Modify panel > Rotate
- Move the table back into the view frame
- Adjust the view frame as needed to allow proper placement of table and labels
Add a wipeout to hide existing topography
- Home Tab > Layers > Layers drop-down > P_MISC
- Home tab > Draw panel > Rectangle Draw a rectangle/closed polyline that encompasses the pipe network structure table
- Specify first point or [Frames/Polyline]: P to choose a polyline
- Select the polyline that encompasses the structure table
- Erase polyline?:Y to erase
- Select the structure tables > Home tab > Layers panel > Layers Drop Down > P_MISC_Text
- WisDOT Sheets tab > Manage panel > Layers pull-down > Layer Display Order
- Select P_MISC_Text
- Use the up arrow
to move the layer above P_MISC
- OK
Info: The structure table is dynamic to the pipe network. If a structure is added to the network, the table will automatically update. If the elevation or location of the structure changes, the table will update.
Update network with additional elevation points
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The structure table remain dynamic to the pipe network and the structures it contains. Create more structures along the pedestrian curb to label the elevations and locations of the pedestrian curb grade breaks. (Add more structures as needed in other areas as well)
Add pedestrian curb to pavt.dwg
The pedestrian curb should be added to pavt.dwg so it may be shown in other plan sheet drawings other than the curb ramp plan detail drawing.
- Close the curb ramp plan detail sheet drawing (023101-cr.dwg)
- Open ProjectID\11701902\Design\Edgelines\pavt.dwg
- Create a polyline along the back of sidewalk within the limits of the curb ramp.
- On layer P_Path_Sidewalk
- Offset the polyline 0.5' for the Pedestrian Curb Back.
- Select the Pedestrian Curb Back
- Home Tab > Layers > Layers drop-down > P_RDWY_C_AND_GBack
- Delete the polyline that is concurrent with back of sidewalk
- Save and Close
Create additional elevation points
- Open ProjectID\11701902\SheetsPlan\023101-cr.dwg
- Modify Tab > Design panel > Pipe Network
- Pipe Networks Contextual ribbon > Modify panel > Edit Pipe Network
- Select pipe network: 2ndNW
- OK
- Use the Network Layout Tools to create additional storm sewer structures.
Rename Parts
Rename any structures to modify the point numbering system.
- Select the structures to be renamed in the order to be named.
Modify tab > Pipe Network > Pipe Network Contextual ribbon > Modify panel drop-down > Rename Parts
Info: The structure table is dynamic to the pipe network. If a structure is added to the network, the table will automatically update. If the elevation or location of the structure changes, the table will update.
Add slope arrows
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- Locations: Review the continent checklist for latest suggestions. FDM 11-46-10.2.3
- Gutter slope and all gutter slope transition points
- All locations for transverse slope change
- All longitudinal grade locations, both sides of walks
- Special attention to landing and ramp edges
- Slope of gutter in middle of cross walk in direction of pedestrian travel.
- Add labels
- Annotate tab > Labels & Tables panel > Add Labels
- Feature: Surface
- Label Type: Slope
- Slope label style: WisDOT CR Slope Above or WisDOT CR Slope Below
- Above/Below is dependent on the desired location of the arrow in relation to the two point line that is labeled.
- Add
- Select a surface:Enter to select from list
- Select a surface: Rfnt-2ndNW-Top (Curb Ramp top surfaces)
- Create Slope Label: Click Two-point or type T- Enter for two point slopes
- Digitize the first and second points of locations to draw slope labels.
- Annotate tab > Labels & Tables panel > Add Labels
Requirement: For consistency, place the labels so the arrow is pointing downhill and the slope value is negative.
Add miscellaneous annotations
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Review the curb ramp detail sheet object matrix (Link to matrix) and FDM 11-46-10.2.3 for the types of Civil 3D objects used to create the miscellaneous annotations.
- Curb Ramp Type: 070-Circle Tag Multileader without leader
- Detectible Warning Field: Polyline on P_Misc_NoPlot layer, Hatch on E_Path_Sidewalk layer, HEX Pattern
- Horizontal Dimensions: WisDOT Sheets tab > WisDOT Annotation panel > Dimension Styles > 060-LANE&SHLD > Aligned
- Legend
- Lines/Polylines
- Multiline Text
- Text Frame: Yes
- Background Mask: Yes
- General Notes: Multiline Text
- Text Frame: Yes
- Background Mask: Yes
- Masks/Wipeout behind legend, tables, general notes.
Create plan sheet
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- Adjust the view frame one last time to fit all information
- Create a sheet set if one has not been created.
- Output tab > Plan Production panel > Create Sheets
- View Frame Group and Layouts
- View Frame Group: VFG-2ndNW (View frame for curb ramp location)
- Layout Creation: All layouts in the current drawing
- Layout name: 01-2ndNW (increase number for subsequent curb ramps)
- Choose the north arrow block to align: SheetWizard-NorthArrow
- Next
- Sheet set
- Add to existing sheet set: checked
- Click
- Choose the project sheet set: 1170-19-70.dst
- Create Sheets
- OK
- View Frame Group and Layouts
- Home tab > Palettes drop-down > Sheet Set Manager to open Sheet Set Manager
- First curb ramp detail only: Rename the newly created subset
- Right Click the Subset > Rename Subset
- The name of the subset will affect the title block information on the plan sheets.
- Subsequent curb ramp details
- Select the newly created detail sheet
- Click and drag to the CURB RAMP DETAILS subset
- First curb ramp detail only: Rename the newly created subset
- Save the drawing to make the changes take affect
- Open the curb ramp detail sheet layout
- Double click the CURB RAMP DETAILS portion of the title block
- Add - 2ND NW as a descriptor for the page
- The title block should read CURB RAMP DETAILS - 2ND NW
- Double click the CURB RAMP DETAILS portion of the title block
- Move the north arrow into an open space on the page.
Exercise files: