Curb ramp detail sheet
Last updated: 2025-03-03
Total video time: 1:13:35
Prerequisite: This workflow requires a detailed curb ramp surface to create label-only pipe network structures and associated labels and tables. Please see Curb ramp design with feature lines on how create this surface.
Roadway Model Requirements: FDM 15-5-7.2
Sample detail sheet: 021301-cr.pdf
Curb Ramp Requirements: FDM 11-46-10
WisDOT Civil 3D Project Data Workflow Map
Civil 3D Project Folder Structure: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.1
Civil 3D Object and File Abbreviation Standards: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.2
Civil 3D Drawing Naming Convention: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.3
Civil 3D Object Naming Convention: FDM 15-5 Attachment 3.4
Datasets for live class
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-00.mp4 1:22
- Curb Ramp Detail Sheets
- Produced using curb ramp surface models
- See FDM 11-46-10.2.3 for curb ramp detail sheet requirements and list of suggested detail in the curb ramp detail sheet.
Workflow Overview
- Curb ramp design with feature lines
- Plans Production Curb Ramp Detail Sheets
- Data reference design objects
- External reference existing and design drawings
- Create view frame
- Draw approximate pavement joints at grade changes
- Add elevation points
- Pipe network structures
- Create structure table
- Add slope labels
- Add miscellaneous annotations
- Re-align view frame and create sheet layout
- Add layout to sheet set
Sample Project Data
Sample project data should be downloaded and extracted to C:\WisDOT\Design\c3d. For subsequent versions of files as the training moves on, copy the individual files into the folders as structured in the zip files.
Create a sheet file, part 1
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-01.mp4 6:19
- Close Curb Ramps.dwg
- Select the X on Curb Ramps tab
- Open new file
- C3D Start page > New
This will start a file using the design-start.dwt template file
- C3D Start page > New
- Set drawing scale
- In Status bar, change drawing scale to 1 IN:10 FT
- Add components
- Ribbon > WisDOT Sheets tab > Manage panel > Add Components dropdown > select All Components
- Save drawing file
- Menu Browser > Save As
- Save Drawing As dialog box
- Save in: C:\Civil 3D Projects\trn-crb-rmp-c3d24\sheets
- File name: type 021301-cr
- Save
- Add Xrefs
- Ribbon > WisDOT Sheets tab > Manage panel > Xref Tools dropdown > select Load Xref on Layer
- Open dialog box
- Browse to: C:\Civil 3D Projects\trn-crb-rmp-c3d24\base
- Select Topo-Ex.dwg
- Open
- Ribbon > WisDOT Sheets tab > Manage panel > Xref Tools dropdown > select Load Xref on Layer
- Open dialog box
- Browse to: C:\Civil 3D Projects\trn-crb-rmp-c3d24\dsgn\edgeline
- Ctrl+select pavt.dwg and PM.dwg
- Open
- Zoom Extents to the south end of the project area
Tip: Sometimes the curbs can look block-like and not round. In the Commandline, type REEnter, to regenerate the image. They should smooth out.
- Ribbon > WisDOT Sheets tab > Manage panel > Xref Tools dropdown > select Load Xref on Layer
- Open dialog box
- Browse to: C:\Civil 3D Projects\trn-crb-rmp-c3d24\dsgn\pipe
- Select PipeNetworks - Inlets Only.dwg
- Open
Quick Access > Save
Create a sheet file , part 2
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-02.mp4 3:47
- Add Data Shortcuts
- Toolspace > Prospector tab > Data Shortcuts
Info: Hover over Data Shortcuts to confirm the working folder is the project folder, C:\Civil 3D Projects\trn-crb-rmp-c3d24.
- Data Shortcuts > expand Surfaces
- Ctrl+select Exist and Rfnt-All-Top > right-click menu > select Create Reference
- Select Rfnt-2nd-NW-Top > right-click menu > select Create Reference
- Create Surface Reference dialog box
- Properties window
- Style: select ellipsis
- Select Surface Style dialog box
- Style dropdown > select Slope Intercept
- OK
- Style: select ellipsis
- OK
- Properties window
- Create Surface Reference dialog box
- Toolspace > Prospector tab > Data Shortcuts
- Add alignments
- Toolspace > Prospector tab > expand Data Shortcuts > expand Alignments > expand Centerline Alignments
- Ctrl+select 51 and Lcl-2ND-AVE > right-click menu > select Create Reference
- Minimize Centerline Alignments
- Expand Curb Return Alignments > expand Int-2nd-NW-Flag > expand Profiles
- Select 2ndAve-NWQuad-Flag > right-click menu > select Create Reference
Tip: When you add a profile, it will include the alignment.
- Create Profile Reference dialog box
- Profile label set: dropdown > select WisDOT Standard
- OK
- Select 2ndAve-NWQuad-Flag > right-click menu > select Create Reference
- Minimize Curb Return Alignments
- Expand Miscellaneous Alignments
- Ctrl+select CR-2nd-NW and CR-2nd-NW-Joints > right-click menu > select Create Reference
- Toolspace > Prospector tab > expand Data Shortcuts > expand Alignments > expand Centerline Alignments
- Assign alignment style
- Ribbon > WisDOT Design tab > Design panel > Alignments dropdown > Assign Alignment Styles
- Select Stye data file [Apply defualt, View default, browse Current, browse Last]: type AEnter
- Assign Alignment styles [All, Select]: type AEnter
- Freeze objects on layer
- Ribbon > Home tab > Layers panel > select Freeze tool (img crdr-ele-crb-rmp-lyrfreeze)
- Select an object on the layer to be frozen or [Settings, Undo]: Select on light pole and SIGN objects.
- Enter to end command
Quick Access > Save
Add a view frame
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-03.mp4 3:50
- Create a view frame around project area.
- Ribbon > Output tab > Plan Production panel > select Create View Frames
- Create View Frames dialog box
- Alignment selection
- Alignment: 51
- Station Range area
- Select radio User Specified
- Change Start Station value to 52450
- Change End Station value to 52500
- Next >
- Sheets selection
- Sheet Settings area
- Select radio Plan(s) Only
- Template for Plan Sheet: select ellipsis
- Select Layout as Sheet Template dialog box
- Drawing template file name: select ellipsis
- Select Layout as Sheet Template dialog box
- Look in: Templates
- Select Plan Production folder
- Select 02-PD-wdot.dwt file
- Open
- Select Layout as Sheet Template dialog box
- Select a layout to create new sheets: select Plan 1 IN 10 FT
- OK
Warning: If you haven't set your drawing scale to "1IN:10FT" in your project, cancel out of this dialog box and set the drawing scale in your project. Once that is done, you can restart this process.
- Drawing template file name: select ellipsis
- Select Layout as Sheet Template dialog box
- Sheet Settings area
- Next >
- View Frame Group selection
- View Frame Group area
- Name: type VFG-2ndNW
- View Frame Group area
- Next >
- Match Lines selection
- Uncheck box Insert match lines
- Create View Frames
- Alignment selection
- The View Frame is inserted into the project, centered around US 51. Select the center, square grip point and drag over the curb ramp area.
- Esc to deselect object.
Rotate UCS and create a new view
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- Rotate the UCS (User Coordinate System) view to match the view frame.
- Ribbon > WisDOT Sheets tab > View panel > select Rotate View
- Pick left point: Endpoint OSnap the lower left corner of the view frame
- Pick right point: Endpoint OSnap the lower right corner of the view frame
- Commandline: type UCSEnter
- Specify origin of UCS: Endpoint OSnap to the lower left corner of View Frame.
- Specify point on X-axis: Endpoint OSnap to the lower right corner of View Frame.
- Specify point on the XY plane: Left-click any point above the axis.
- Line up cursor's angle with rotated view.
- Commandline: type SNAPANGEnter
- Enter new value for SNAPANG: type 0Enter
- Create a named view
- Ribbon > View tab > Named Views panel > select New View
- New View / Shot Properties dialog box
- View name: type 2ndNW
- Boundary area
- Select radio Define window
- Specify first corner: Endpoint OSnap to the lower left corner of View Frame
- Specify opposite corner: Endpoint OSnap to the upper right corner of View Frame
- Enter to accept selection
- OK
Quick Access > Save
Add location labels, part 1
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-05.mp4 4:11
- Reference FDM 11-46-10.7 for label styles and locations.
- Set up for creating labels for flange of curb
- Select the flange alignment > Selection Cycling > select Alignment
- Context ribbon > Labels & Tables panel > Add Labels dropdown > select Add/Edit Station Labels
- Alignment Labels dialog box
- Type: dropdown > select Geometry Points
- Geometry Point Label Style: dropdown > select WisDOT Standard
- Add>>
- Geometry Points dialog box
- Select geometry points to label:
- Select the unselect all button
- Check boxes Curve Mid Point, Tangent-Curve Intersect, and Curve-Tangent Intersect
- Select the unselect all button
- OK
- Select geometry points to label:
- Geometry Points dialog box
- Type: dropdown > select Profile Geometry Points
- Profile Geometry Point Label Style: dropdown > select WisDOT Standard (Gray)
- Add>>
- Profile Points dialog box
- Select Profile: dropdown > select 2ndAve-NWQuad-Flag
- Select geometry points to label:
- Select the unselect all button
- Check boxes Low Point, High Point, Point of Vertical Intersection, and Grade Break
- Select the unselect all button
- OK
- Profile Points dialog box
- OK
Quick Access > Save
Add location labels, part 2
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-06.mp4 4:24
- Create a pipe network to label curb ramp
Info: Using a pipe network allows for two things to happen: First, it allows dynamic changes. The rims can be tied to the surface and if the surface changes so do the rims. Second, it creates a data table with the surface elevations.
- Ribbon > Home tab > Create Design panel > Pipe Network dropdown > select Pipe Network Creation Tools
- Create Pipe Network dialog box
- Network name: type 2ndNW
- Network part list: dropdown > select Detail Sheets
- Surface name: dropdown > select Rfnt-2nd-NW-Top
- Alignment name: dropdown > select 51
- Structure label style: dropdown > select Detail Sheets - Elevation
- OK
- Network Layout Tools toolbar
- Select Pipe Network Properties
- Pipe Network Properties dialog box
- Layout Settings tab
- Name templates area
- Structures: select Name Template button
- Name Template dialog box
- Name formatting label area
- Name: <[Next Counter]>
- Incremental number format area
- Number style: dropdown > select 01, 02, 03...
- OK
- Name formatting label area
- Structures: select Name Template button
- Name templates area
- OK
- Layout Settings tab
- Select Pipe Network Properties
Add location labels, part 3
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-07.mp4 4:21
- Add location labels for flange of curb
Start labeling from north (right) side and continuing to the left, selecting at your own discretion.
- Network Layout Tools toolbar
- Structure dropdown > expand Detail Sheets > select Detail Sheets
- Pipe/Structure selection
dropdown > select Structures Only
- Specify the structure insertion point: Starting at the north (right) end of flange, Endpoint OSnap to PC: 0+00.00
- Continue selecting points along the curb, using Endpoint OSnap, ending at PT: 0+48.96
- Network Layout Tools toolbar
Correcting a location label
If you missed a point and selected it out of order, STOP, and correct the labeling before carrying on.
In our example, #4 was skipped and the sequence reads 03, 05, 04.
- Esc to end command.
- Select the structure objects in order you want them numbered, only those that need to be changed.
- Context ribbon > Modify panel pulldown > select Rename Parts
- Rename Pipe Network Parts dialog box
- Name conflict options area
- Select radio Rename existing parts
Tip: This is important to check because you will change it to specific numbering.
- Select radio Rename existing parts
- Uncheck box Rename pipes
- Check box Rename structures
- Structure name template area
- Starting number: type the number to continue sequence. In this example, type 4.
- OK
- Name conflict options area
- Esc to end command.
- To continue, go to the Network Layout Tools toolbar
- Pipe/Structure selection
dropdown > select Structures Only
- Pipe/Structure selection
- Specify the structure insertion point: Continue on selecting points.
Add location labels, part 4
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-08.mp4 4:28
- Add location labels to ramps and sidewalks.
Start labeling from north (right) side and continuing to the left, selecting at your own discretion.
- Network Layout Tools toolbar
- Specify the structure insertion point: Starting at the north side, use Endpoint OSnap in this order:
Sidewalk tie-in front, Sidewalk tie-in back, Flare at back of curb, lower landing at back of curb, Ramp 1 at lower landing, Ramp 1 at upper landing, back of upper landing at Sidewalk1, Ramp 1 at back of curb, Ramp 1 at upper landing, back of upper landing at Sidewalk2, flare at Sidewalk2, flare at back of curb.
- Specify the structure insertion point: Continuing to the south side, use Endpoint OSnap in this order (reverse of other side):
Flare at back of curb, flare at Sidewalk 2, Ramp 2 at back of curb, Ramp 2 at upper landing, back of upper landing at Sidewalk2, lower landing at back of curb, Ramp 2 at lower landing, Ramp 2 at upper landing, back of upper landing at Sidewalk3, flare at back of curb, Sidewalk tie-in front, Sidewalk tie-in back.
- Take note of the final number of labels. Our example has 33.
- Enter to end command.
- X to close Network Layout Tools toolbar
- Remove labels along the flange alignment
- Select any flange alignment label > right-click menu > select Edit Alignment Labels
- Alignment Labels dialog box
- Import label set...
- Select Label Set dialog box
- Label dropdown: select _No Labels
- OK
- OK
- Esc to end command
Quick Access > Save
- Move labels to a more readable area
- Select a label > right-click menu > select Select Similar
- To move a label, select the square grip point and drag to an open area. Do this for each label.
Quick Access > Save
Create tables for location labels, part 1
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-09.mp4 4:25
- Create tables
- Ribbon > Annotate tab > Labels & Table panel > Add Tables dropdown > Pipe Network flyout > select Add Structure
- Structure Table Creation dialog box
- Table style: dropdown > select Detail Sheets
- Select radio By Network
- Select network: dropdown > select 2ndNW
- Check box Split table
- Maximum rows per table: type 17
- Tile tables: select radio Across
- Behavior: select radio Dynamic
- OK
- Tables are added, but are rotated to world UCS.
- Rotate table to match the direction of View Frame
- With tables selected, Endpoint OSnap to the upper, left corner of the View Frame
- Select one of the tables, both should highlight
- Select on the origin point
- Right-click on the origin point > right-click menu > select Rotate
- Specify rotation angle or {Base point, Copy, Undo, Reference, eXit]: type REnter
- Specify reference angle: Select the origin point
- Specify second point: Select the top opposite end of the table
- Specify new angle or [Base poit, Copy, Undo, Reference, eXit]: Endpoint OSnap to the opposite corner of the View Frame.
- Move the tables
- Select the tables
- Commandline: type M Enter (move)
- Left-click a point and drag the tables to the right side of the View Frame.
- Set tables to a layer
- Select the tables
- Ribbon > Home tab > Layers panel > Layers dropdown > select P_MISC_Text
- Esc to deselect tables
Create tables for location labels, part 2
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-10.mp4 3:39
- Change active layer
- Ribbon > Home tab > Layers panel > Layers dropdown > select P_MISC
- Create a wipeout for the tables
- Ribbon > Home tab > Draw panel > select Rectangle tool
- Create a rectangle shape that encompasses the tables, but stays within the View Frame.
- Commandline: type WIPEOUTEnter
- Specify first point or [Frames, Polyline]: type PEnter
- Select a closed polyline: Select the rectangle polyline
- Erase polyline? [Yes, No]: type YEnter
- Change layer order
- Ribbon > WisDOT Sheets tab > Manage panel > Layers Tool dropdown > select Layer Order
- Display Order by Layer dialog box
- Scroll to P_MISC
- Select P_MISC_Text
- Select the Layer Up Arrow
and move P_MISC_Text above P_MISC
- OK
Add slope labels
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-11.mp4 3:07
- Reference FDM 11-46-10.7 for label styles and locations.
- Add slope labels
Start labeling from north (right) side of the project, selecting at your own discretion.
- Ribbon > Annotate tab > Labels & Tables panel > Add Labels dropdown > select Surface > select Add Surface Labels
- Add Label dialog box
- Label type: Slope
- Slope label style: dropdown > select Slope % - Offset 1
- Add
- Add Label dialog box
- Select a surface <or press Enter key to select from a list>:Enter
- Select a Surface dialog box
- Dropdown > select Rfnt-2nd-NW-Top
- OK
- Select a Surface dialog box
- Create Slope Labels or [One-point, Two-point]: type TEnter
- Select First Point: Endpoint OSnap, the back of Sidewalk tie-in
- Select Second Point: Endpoint OSnap, select the front of Sidewalk tie-in
- Select First Point: Endpoint OSnap, select SidewalkFront1, left
- Select Second Point: Endpoint OSnap, select SidewalkFront1, right
- Repeat selecting two points and adding labels to all sidewalks, ramps, upper and lower landings.
- Ribbon > Annotate tab > Labels & Tables panel > Add Labels dropdown > select Surface > select Add Surface Labels
Add a slope label to the gutter pan
Zoom to the crosswalk on the north (right) side.
Turn Endpoint OSnap off.
Select two points, not selecting on any objects, that will show the slope of the gutter pan.
- Repeat to the south crosswalk.
Tip: Remember the arrow shows the direction of flow and not the direct you selected.
- Esc to end command.
- Close the Add Labels dialog box.
Add miscellaneous labels
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-12.mp4 2:38
- Reference FDM 11-46-10.7 for label styles and locations.
- Add a miscellaneous label
- Ribbon > WisDOT Sheets tab > Annotation panel > Multileader Style dropdown > scroll and select 070-CIRCLE TAG
- Ribbon > WisDOT Sheets tab > Annotation panel > select Multileader
Info: This label consists of a circle tag and a arrowhead leader. The arrowhead leader is not needed and will be removed later.
- Specify leader arrowhead location: select a point within the south crosswalk to place arrowhead.
- Specify leader landing location: select a point for the circle tag.
- Edit Attributes dialog box
- Enter tag number: type 2
- OK
- Ribbon > WisDOT Sheets tab > Annotation panel > Multileader Style dropdown > scroll and select 070-CIRCLE TAG
- Remove arrowhead leader
- Select arrowhead leader > right-click menu > select Properties
- Properties palette > Design tab > Leaders section
- Leaders type: dropdown > select None
- X to close Properties palette.
- Copy circle label
- Commandline: type COEnter (copy)
- Select objects: select on circle label
- Specify second point: select a point in the north crosswalk and also in the north Sidewalk1.
- Change the name on Sidewalk1 circle tag
- Double-click on circle tag
- Edit Attributes dialog box
- Enter tag number: type SW5
- OK
Create legend for miscellaneous labels
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-13.mp4 6:38
- Create text box for legend
- Set layer for text box
- Ribbon > WisDOT Sheets tab > Annotation panel > select button Set P_MISC_Text
This will set the text to this layer.
- Ribbon > WisDOT Sheets tab > Annotation panel > select button Set P_MISC_Text
- Set text style height
- Ribbon > WisDOT Sheets tab > Annotation panel > select Set Text Style/Height
- Set Text Style/Height dialog box
- Text Style: CalibriLight
- Text Height: dropdown > select 0.0875
- Select Multiline Text button
- Specify first corner: Select a start point
- Specify opposite corner: Select a end point, creating a rectangle.
Info: The "abc" in the corner of text box indicate text size.
- Text Editor will appear. Type LEGEND (all caps)
- Context ribbon > Paragraph panel > Line Spacing dropdown > select 2.0x
- In Text Editor, go to the end of LEGEND and press Enter
- Add Tab before CROSSWALK and SIDEWALK
- Esc to end selection.
- Alert: Do you want to save you text changes? Select Yes
- Close
- Ribbon > WisDOT Sheets tab > Annotation panel > select Set Text Style/Height
- Set layer for text box
- Create a frame around text box
- Select on the text box > right-click menu > select Properties
- Properties palette > Design tab > Text section
- Text Frame: dropdown > select Yes
- X to close Properties palette
- Adjust the frame height
- Left-click on triangle grip point, on bottom edge of frame, and drag down.
- Add background mask
- Double-click on text box
- Context ribbon > Style panel > select Background Mask tool
- Background Mask dialog box
- Check box Use background mask
- Fill Color area
- Check box Use drawing background color
- OK
- Background Mask dialog box
- Left-click outside the text box to deselect.
- Add circle labels to legend
- Crosswalk
- Select "2" circle label
- Commandline: type COEnter (copy)
- Specify base point: select circle label
- Specify second point: drag object next to the word CROSSWALK
- Sidewalk
- Select "SW5" circle label
- Commandline: type COEnter (copy)
- Specify base point: select circle label
- Specify second point: drag object next to the word CROSSWALK
- Crosswalk
- Create a Notes text box
- Select the Legend text box
- Commandline: type COEnter (copy)
- Specify base point: select the Legend text box
- Specify second point: drag object to open area next to Legend text box
- Edit text in Notes text box
- Double-click the copied text box.
- Highlight all text
- Context ribbon > Paragraph panel > Line Spacing dropdown > select 1.0x
- Use Backspace to remove all spacing before the words
- Replace the word LEGEND with NOTES
- Replace other words with XXXX, as a place holder
- Use the grip points to adjust height and/or width if needed.
Add detectable warning field in Ramps 1 & 2
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-14.mp4 5:26
- Change layer
- Ribbon > Home tab > Layers panel > Layers dropdown > select P_MISC_NoPlot
- Create frame for hatching on Ramp 1
- Commandline: type PLEnter (polyline)
- Specify start point: Endpoint OSnap the point in lower left corner of Ramp 1
- Specify next point: Endpoint OSnap the point in lower right corner of Ramp 1
- Specify next point: Hover over the point in upper right corner, DO NOT SELECT, and type 2Enter in Commandline.
- Specify next point:Shift + right-click > Perpendicular OSnap > select the opposite side of Ramp 1.
- Commandline: type CEnter (close)
- Create frame for hatching on Ramp 2 by repeating steps above.
- Change layer
- Ribbon > Home tab > Layers panel > Layers dropdown > select E_PATH_Sidewalk
- Add hatching to warning fields
- Ribbon > Home tab > Draw panel > select Hatch tool
- Context ribbon > Pattern panel > Select expand button (lower right button)
- Scroll down list and select HEX
- Context ribbon > Boundaries panel > select Select Boundary Objects
- Select objects: select the polylineframe on Ramp 1, then select the polyline frame on Ramp 2.
- Esc to end command.
- Set slope and structure labels to front
- Select a slope label and a structure label > right-click menu > select Select Similar
- With all of them highlighted, right-click menu > Display Order > Bring to Front
Quick Access > Save
Create sheet set
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-15.mp4 5:10
- Create sheets
- Ribbon > Output tab > Plan Production panel > select Create Sheets
- Create Sheets - View Frame Group and Layouts dialog box
- View Frame Group and Layouts selection
- View Frame Group area
- Name: VFG-2ndNW
- Radio All
- Layout Creation area
- Radio All layouts in the current drawing
- Layout name: select Name Template button
- Name Template dialog box
- Name formatting template area
- Name: <[Next Counter]>-2ndNW
- Incremental number format area
- Number style: 01, 02, 03...
- Starting number: 1
- Increment value: 1
- OK
- Name formatting template area
- Name Template dialog box
- Choose the north arrow block to align in layouts: SheetWizard-NorthArrow
- Next >
- View Frame Group area
- Sheet Set selection
- Sheet Set area
- Radio Add to existing sheet set
- Select the ellipsis
- Browse to Sheet set file dialog box
- Look in: C:\Civil 3D Projects\trn-crb-rmp-c3d24\sheets
- Select on file name trn-crb-rmp-c3d24.dst
- Open
- Select the ellipsis
- Radio Add to existing sheet set
- Sheets area
- Sheet files storage location: C:\Civil 3D Projects\trn-crb-rmp-c3d24\sheets
- Sheet file name: <[View Frame Group Name(CP)]> - {<[Next counter(CP)]>)
- Create Sheets
- Sheet Set area
- Alert: To complete this process your current drawing will be saved. OK
- View Frame Group and Layouts selection
- Sheet Set Manager opens with sheet sets in current location.
- In the Events panorama, select green check mark to close.
- View new layout and edit
- Go to the lower tabs of the Toolspace and select layout 01-2ndNW tab.
Warning: To verify that you have connected to the correct sheet set, look at the lower boxes of layout 01-2ndNW and check that the Project number, Hwy name, and County name are not XXXX and reflect your project data.
- Delete the Layout 1 tab since it is a place holder and not needed.
- Go to the lower tabs of the Toolspace
- Right-click on Layout 1 tab > menu > Delete
- Alert: The selected layout(s) and any associated traces will be permanently deleted. OK
- Turn off Xref fading
- Ribbon > Insert tab > Reference panel pulldown > select Xref fading button and turn it off. (blue highlight is on)
- Ribbon > Insert tab > Reference panel pulldown > select Xref fading button and turn it off. (blue highlight is on)
- Go to the lower tabs of the Toolspace and select layout 01-2ndNW tab.
Edits to sheet set
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-16.mp4 3:29
- Change sheet subset name
- In the Sheet Set Manager, VFG-2ndNW is the sheet subset and title of the current sheet .
- Select VFG-2ndNW > right-click menu > select Rename Subset
- Subset Properties dialog box
- Subset Name: type CURB RAMP DETAILS
- OK
- Commandline: type REEnter (regen)
- In the Sheet Set Manager, VFG-2ndNW is the sheet subset and title of the current sheet .
- Move subset CURB RAMP DETAILS to Sheet 02-
- In Sheet Set Manager, Left-click on CURD RAMP DETAILS and drag to 02-
- When 02- is highlighted , left-clcik to drop it in.
- In Sheet Set Manager, Left-click on CURD RAMP DETAILS and drag to 02-
- Edit sheet title in drawing
- Double-click on title
- Place cursor at the end of text and type space-space2ND NW
Info: Notice the added title does not appear in the dark gray box. The dark gray box indicates it's a field and the information is coming from somewhere else.
- Correct the North arrow
By default, the North arrow is placed outside the View Frame.
- Select on the North arrow
- Commandline: type MEnter (move)
- Drag into an open area of the drawing.
Quick Access > Save
Export point data
pln-prod-crb-rmp-dtl-c3d24-17.mp4 2:18
- Export point data to LandXML file
- Ribbon > WisDOT Design tab > Output panel > Data for Construction dropdown > select Structures to Point LandXML
- Structures to Point LandXML dialog box
- Select Pipe Networks: Select All
- Select folder icon
- Save File As dialog box
- Browse to: C: > Civil 3D Projects > trn-crb-rmp-c3d24 > const > CD-Design
- File Name: type Pts-Curb Ramps
- Save
- Save File As dialog box
- Create XML
- AutoCad Message: XML Export Complete. OK
- Close
Quick Access > Save