Last updated: 2023-09-06
This subassembly closes the sections from the outside edge of the roadway to cut or fill slope intersect point.
Subassembly provides a solutions for cut and fill conditions as described below. Parameters to complete a cut or fill section include insuring that a safe recoverable distance and slope is provided.
All link slopes can target a profile. The elevations from the targeted profile(s) are then interpreted as slope values, allowing for smooth slope transitions.
The user can force cut behavior in a fill section and fill behavior in a cut section.
In situations where more than one target surface intercept is possible, the user has several controls available to choose the desired intercept.
Options to override the final daylight location are available.
This subassembly is designed to accommodate a recoverable slope with cut section or fill section configuration using the Recoverable distance parameter and Recoverable slope parameter.
Determining Cut or Fill condition
The Cut or fill parameter determines whether the subassembly creates a cut (slopes upward) or fill (slopes downward) section. If the Cut or fill parameter is set to "Fill", it will create a fill slope regardless of the terrain condition. If the Cut or fill parameter is set to "Cut", it will create a cut slope regardless of the terrain condition. By default, the Cut or fill parameter is set to "Automatic", and the cut/fill condition is determined by comparing the attachment point elevation with the target surface elevation at the offset specified by the Cut/fill check offset input parameter. When the Cut/fill check offset parameter is set to 0, the surface elevation is taken at the attachment point offset. An optional profile may be targeted to determine the cut/fill condition. The profile overrides the Cut or fill input parameter selection. The profile elevations are interpreted as logic switches. Elevation < 1 means the subassembly should use cut logic. An elevation = 1 means the subassembly should remain in automatic mode as described above. An elevation > 1 means the subassembly should use fill logic. These options allow the user to force cut logic in a fill condition or fill logic in a cut condition.
Slope determination
The Recoverable distance and Recoverable slope are used to temporarily construct the first link, hereby called the recoverable slope link ending at a test point. The Recoverable distance in most cases is measured from the edge of the topmost pavement layer of the outermost lane (ETW). The offset of this point is the Offset to measure recoverable slope from and can be input by the user, passed from the lane subassembly by using a parameter reference, or located using a horizontal target.
In a fill situation, if the test point falls above the daylight surface, the first recoverable fill slope link is inserted. If the test point falls below the daylight surface, the recoverable fill slope link will end at its intersection with the daylight surface, thereby completing the fill section. This point then becomes the slope intercept point.
In a cut situation, if the test point falls below the daylight surface, the first recoverable cut slope is inserted. If the test point falls above the daylight surface, the recoverable cut slope link will end at its intersection with the daylight surface, thereby completing the cut section. This point then becomes the slope intercept point
The Offset to measure recoverable slope from cannot exceed the attachment point offset of this subassembly. If that occurs, the Offset to measure recoverable slope from value will be set equal to the attachment point offset.
To close to the daylight surface in fill, the Fill slope parameter is used. To close to the daylight surface in cut, the Cut slope parameter is used.
The subassembly can be forced into fill logic even when the attachment point falls below the target surface. In that case, the above logic applies until a slope intercept is located. If a slope intercept is not located with the given Input parameters, and error is reported and a single link is drawn representing the recoverable slope.
Multi-Intercept Control
In situations where there could be multiple target surface intercepts, additional controls are provided to select the desired slope intercept. The Number of target surface intercepts parameter can be used to choose which surface intercept is desired. By default, this parameter is set to 1 and the first surface intercept from the attachment is used. This subassembly supports up to eleven surface intercepts.
For additional control, the Minimum offset to intercept parameter has been provided. This parameter can be used to force the subassembly to use a surface intercept that is a minimum offset from the baseline. When the Set min offset >/= to recoverable slope offset parameter is set to "Yes", the minimum offset to the slope intercept is set equal to the recoverable slope offset, except in cases where the only possible intercept is found within the recoverable slope. In that case, the only possible intercept is used.
Both the Number of target surface intercepts and the Minimum offset to intercept parameters can be controlled using profile targets. The Number of intercepts from profile elevation target can be used to control the desired intercept number with a profile. The profile elevation values are rounded to the nearest integer and interpreted as the desired surface intercept number. The Minimum offset from profile elevation target can be used to establish the minimum offset from the baseline to the surface intercept. The Minimum offset to intercept parameter can also be controlled by using the Minimum offset horizontal target.
The hierarchy for multi-intercept control is as follows. The surface intercept is determined by the parameter that results in the maximum offset from the baseline.
Number of intercepts from profile = intercept number 3, which is 35 ft from the baseline
Minimum offset from profile = 40 ft, which results in a surface intercept at 42 ft from the baseline
Minimum offset = target is places 30 ft from the baseline
The resulting surface intercept is controlled by the Minimum offset from profile target because it results in the furthest surface intercept at 42 ft.
Daylight location override
There are two targets availableto override the final daylight intercept location. If the Daylight offset location override target is established, the daylight link of the subassembly will terminate at the target object horizontal location on the target surface. If the Daylight offset location override target is established and the Daylight elevation location override is established, the daylight link of the subassembly will terminate at the offset target object’s horizontal location and at the elevation target object’s vertical location. If only the Daylight elevation location override is targeted, the final daylight intercept location will not be overridden.
If the Daylight offset location override target falls inside of the final link origin, a near vertical link will be inserted.
The daylight location override functions are not available when the normal daylight intercept location falls within the recoverable slope.
Attachment & layout mode operation
The attachment point is at the start of the first link, which is the recoverable slope link. The subassembly is typically attached to the outside edge of the roadway, such as the subgrade shoulder point, back of sidewalk or back of curb. This component can be attached to either the left or right side.
In layout mode, this subassembly shows both the cut slope and fill slope solutions. The daylight links are extended outward for a horizontal distance of 10 feet.
Input parameters
Info: All dimensions are in feet unless otherwise noted. All slopes are in run-over-rise form (for example, 4:1) unless indicated as a percent slope with a "%" sign.
Parameter | Description | Type | Default |
Side | Specifies which side to place the subassembly |
String, Combo List of options:
Right |
Cut or Fill | Determines when the subassembly follows, fill logic only, cut logic only, or if cut/fill conditions are to be determined automatically. |
String, Combo List of options:
Automatic |
Cut/fill check offset | Specifies the offset where the target surface elevation is determined. This elevation is then compared to the attachment point elevation. If the attachment point elevation is greater than the surface elevation at the given offset, a fill is constructed. If the attachment point elevation is less than the surface elevation at the given offset, a ditch is constructed. Input is always positive and the side assignment determines the sign (+/-). A value of 0 indicates that the attachment point offset should be used. | Numeric | 0.0 ft |
Number of target surface intercepts | The target surface intercept number counted from the attachment point that is used as the daylight slope intercept. | Integer | 1 |
Set min offset >= to recoverable slope offset? | When set to "Yes", the minimum offset to the slope intercept is set equal to the recoverable slope offset. | Yes/No | Yes |
Minimum offset to intercept | The minimum offset from the baseline to establish the daylight slope intercept | Numeric | 0 |
Offset to measure recoverable slope from | Offset, measured from the baseline, used to start the recoverable fill slope measurement from. This can be obtained from the ETW Offset distance of the adjacent lane with a Parameter Reference, or will use fixed value here. Positive values are right of baseline, negative values are left of baseline. | Numeric | 12 ft. |
Recoverable slope | Slope for recoverable area in cut or fill condition | Slope | 4:1 |
Recoverable distance | Width of the recoverable slope measured from the offset specified by the "Offset to measure recoverable slope from" parameter. | Numeric, positive | 20.0 ft. |
Include Daylight Link Omit Daylight Link | Include or omit the final link |
String, Combo List of options:
Include |
Cut Slope | Default slope rate of last link in cut. (cut only) | Slope | 3:1 |
Fill Slope | Default slope rate of last link in fill. (fill only) | Slope | 3:1 |
Target parameters
This section lists the parameters in this subassembly that can be mapped to a target object such as a surface, alignment, or profile object in a drawing. For more information, see Setting and Editing Targets in the AutoCAD Civil 3D User's Guide Help.
Parameter | Description | Status |
Daylight surface | Name of the Surface for Daylighting. The following object types can be used as targets for specifying this surface: surfaces | Required |
Cut/Fill Switch | Profile object used to determine if the subassembly should use ditch logic (EL<1), automatic ditch/fill logic (EL=1), or fill logic (EL>1). Profile elevations are interpreted as switches for the three options. Automatic mode compares the subgrade shoulder point elevation to the target surface elevation at the specified offset. | Optional |
Cut/fill check offset | Object that defines the offset to check the target surface elevation for comparison with the subgrade shoulder point elevation. Used in automatic mode for ditch/fill determination. | Optional |
Offset to measure recoverable slope from | Object that defines the horizontal location to measure the recoverable slope distance form. Generally, this is the edge of traveled way | Optional |
Recoverable offset |
Object that defines the rotation point location. The following object types can be used as targets for specifying the width: alignments, polylines, feature lines, or survey features. |
Optional |
Recoverable offset from profile | Object that defines the recoverable width by its elevation value. The elevation is interpreted as a width. The following object types can be used as targets for specifying this elevation: profiles, 3D polylines, feature lines, or survey figures | Optional |
Recoverable slope from profile | Object that defines the recoverable slope by its elevation value. The elevation is interpreted as a slope. The following object types can be used as targets for specifying this elevation: profiles, 3D polylines, feature lines, or survey figures. | Optional |
Daylight cut slope from profile | Object that defines the cut slope by its elevation value. The elevation is interpreted as a slope. The following object types can be used as targets for specifying this elevation: profiles, 3D polylines, feature lines, or survey figures. | Optional |
Daylight fill slope from profile | Object that defines the fill slope by its elevation value. The elevation is interpreted as a slope. The following object types can be used as targets for specifying this elevation: profiles, 3D polylines, feature lines, or survey figures. | Optional |
Minimum offset to intercept | Object that defines the minimum offset from the baseline to establish the slope intercept. The following object types can be used as targets for specifying this horizontal location: alignments, polylines, feature lines, or survey figures. | Optional |
Number of target surface intercepts from profile | Object that defines the number of daylight surface intercepts to use as the final slope intercept location. The elevation is interpreted as an integer defining the intercept number. The following object types can be used as targets for specifying this elevation: profiles, 3D polylines, feature lines, or survey figures. | Optional |
Minimum offset to intercept from profile | Object that defines the minimum offset from the baseline to establish the slope intercept. The elevation is interpreted as an offset distance from the baseline. The following object types can be used as targets for specifying this elevation: profiles, 3D polylines, feature lines, or survey figures. | Optional |
Daylight offset location override | Object that defines the horizontal location of the final slope intercept. | Optional |
Daylight elevation location override | Object that defines the vertical location of the final slope intercept. | Optional |
Output parameters
Point, Link, and Shape codes
Point/Link/Shape | Codes | Description |
P1 | Uncoded | Attachment point |
P2 | Recover_Point | Rotation point |
P3 | Daylight | Slope intercept |
L1 | Top,LABELSLP,RecovFslp,TOPDATUM | Recoverable slope link |
L2 | Top,LABELSLP,Daylight,TOPDATUM | Finished grade daylight link |