WisDOT Standard Plotting

Last updated: 2021-06-29


WisDOT page setups that end in stnd are built for correct plot settings for plan sets from Civil 3D

PDF-11x17-stnd is the default page setup applied to plan sheet layouts.

A tool palette with this page setup and all other WisDOT-provided page setups can be accessed at WisDOT Sheets > Plot Configuration Panel > Page Setup Palette.

Every page setup that ends in stnd will have the wisdot_standard.ctb plot table assigned to it. This plot table controls how objects are plotted.


All attributes except plot color come from the object. Most importantly, lineweight and linetype come from the object. These attributes can be:

  1. For AutoCAD objects
    1. Set directly on an object
    2. Set on an object ByLayer and controlled on a layer (Default for most WisDOT settings)
  2. For Civil 3D objects
    1. Set directly on an objects's style (Default for most WisDOT settings)
    2. Set on an object's style ByLayer and controlled on a layer

All index colors (Color 1 - 254) are defined in the wisdot_standard.ctb. They are defined as follows:

  1. All black (colors ending in zero are defaults) EXCEPT
  2. Color 21-29, medium grey for translating old mapping files
  3. Colors ending in 1, medium grey
  4. Colors 240-249, for county maps
  5. Colors 250-254, optional shades of grey
  6. Color 255, plots white for masking

Any object can be forced to plot color by changing it's color to something not defined in the plot table. This generally means switching the color definition to True Color (number, number, number) rather than an index color.

The tool Layers - Convert Layer Colors can switch between Index color and True Color for multiple layers at the same time to make layer groups all black, grey, or color.