Model Display Options

Last updated: 2023-12-01


WisDOT recognizes the need to accommodate a variety of model space viewing preferences/needs while maintaining a consistent output standard. The Model Display Options tool provides a way for users to change the model space color of several entity types while leaving any associated WisDOT standard style and layer settings as-is. The tool currently supports overriding the color of the following Civil 3D object types: Profile View grids, Section View grids, Surface contours.

The settings established within this tool are saved in several user-level system variables, so they can be restored between Civil 3D sessions. Since the settings are user-specific, these overrides will only appear for the user that sets them. Each Civil 3D user can set the overrides according to their own preferences. The overrides are also global, and therefore affect these entity types in all drawing that the user opens in the Civil 3D session.

Using Model Display Options

WisDOT [***] tab > Support panel > Model Display Options

The command can also be loaded from the command line: DOTDISPLAYOVERRIDES

  1. Select the checkbox next to the sub-entity type to override the color displayed in model space.
  2. Select the color-picker button to choose the preferred color. The button will then display the color and the color index.
  3. The text box field serves as a layer filter for addition control over which entities are affected by the override.
    1. Example: Existing surface contour styles place the contours on layers beginning with "E". Proposed surface contour styles place the contours on layers beginning with "P". The filter supports wildcards, so if only existing contours should be overridden, “E*” can be entered in the filter to only override surfaces with an existing contour style.
  4. OK to apply the settings.

Warning: The surface contour overrides are not compatible with Level of Detail. When these overrides are used, Level of Detail will be disabled. Enabling Level of Detail with the surface contour overrides on, will result in decreased performance.