Layers - Apply Layer State

Last updated: 2022-10-29


The Apply Layer State tool applies the selected layer state to the active drawing, with the option to apply it to any corresponding XRef layers and save the layer state with the corresponding XRef layers.

Using Apply Layer State

The tool can be accessed from the command line: DOTApplyLayerState

  1. Layer states list: Menu that lists all of the layer states in the active drawing. Choose the desired layer state to apply.
  2. Check the Apply to XRef Layers not in Layer State box to include corresponding XRef layers when applying the layer state. When checked, the layer state will be appended to include the XReference layers that were not previously included.
  3. Layer properties to restore: Choose the desired properties in the layer state to apply. Use Select All/Clear All to quickly check/uncheck all of the options.
  4. OK to apply the layer state.