Pipe Network - Structure Sump Adjust

Last updated: 2022-08-30

Total video time: 03:20


Civil 3D does not account for the pipe wall thickness when connecting to a structure without a sump. It sets the structure sump elevation to the flow line elevation of the lowest pipe. The pipe wall then falls within the structure floor. This results in an incorrect structure depth calculation. It should be setting the structure sump elevation to the bottom of the pipe wall.  This image shows a typical detail for a structure with no sump.  Notice that the pipe wall does not penetrate the floor of the structure.

Pipe networks work fine if there is a value for sump depth, such as for catch basins, because that elevation is set based on a set distance from the flow line of the lowest pipe.  The image below shows the problem in Civil 3D when the sump depth is 0.

At this time, running this utility is optional.  The logic in the WisDOT storm sewer report automatically accounts for this flaw and adjusts the reported structure depth automatically.  Whether or not the Pipe Network Sump Adjust utility is run, the report will be correct.  The purpose of the Pipe Network Sump Adjust utility is to create a spatially accurate 3D pipe network, such as for clash detection. 


WisDOT Design tab > Design panel > Pipe Network dropdown > Structure Sump Adjust

The tool can also be accessed selecting the structures first and using the Structure Object right-click menu.

The tool can also be access using the command: DOTADJUSTSUMPS

  1. Select Structures ([All Individual]): Choose All for all structures, or Individual to select specific structures on the screen.
  2. Enter to adjust sump depths.
  3. Select Pipe Network(s) from list (if choosing that option).
  4. OK to adjust sump depths.