Assembly - Label Assembly

Last updated: 2022-02-14


One tool that is not strictly necessary but can be very helpful is the Label Assemblies tool. The Label Assemblies tool creates pre-filled and pre-formatted Mtext labels containing the name of an assembly. The tool can be used to place a single label at a time or can automatically place labels for all assemblies in the drawing at once.


WisDOT Design Tab > Desgin Panel > Assembly dropdown > Label Assembly

The tool can also be accessed from the command line: DOTLABELASSEMBLIES.

To label a single assembly at a time

  1. Enter to accept the current text size as shown in the command line or type a new text size. (1 is a good size.)
  2. Enter for labeling individual assemblies.
  3. Select assemblies to label
  4. Enter to add the labels.

To label all assemblies in the drawing at once

  1. Enter to accept the current text size as shown in the command line or type a new text size. (1 is a good size.)
  2. All or A on the command line to label all assemblies.

To label assemblies from the right-click menu

  1. Select one or more assemblies.
  2. Right-Click and select Label Assembly.
  3. Enter to accept the current text size as shown in the command line or type a new text size. (1 is a good size.)