Select WisDOT feature library on survey data collector

Last updated: 2024-06-14

Feature code library

To select a code in a survey, the job must be using the feature library that contains the appropriate codes.

To select the library:

  1. On the collector, insert the feature code library (FXL) in the System Files folder
  2. In Trimble Access on the collector, Open Job.
  3. Select Properties.
  4. Select Feature Library. The Select Feature Library screen shows the available feature library files in the System Files folder.
  5. Select the feature library file to select it.
  6. To add a feature library file from a different folder, tap Browse and navigate to the location of the feature library file. Tap the file to select it and tap Accept. The file is copied to the Trimble Data / System Files folder and appears in the Select feature library list.