Create survey control file from field survey

Last updated: 2023-06-28


The intent of the control file is to communicate to construction what control was used for the design survey so they can replicate it for construction purposes. The file is extremely important for construction operations to be accurate.

Staff familiar with the control used for the design survey should create the survey control file or verify it's contents.

Create the survey control file

  • This file is prepared by the Survey Data Coordinator or person overseeing the project survey data.
  • The survey control file includes existing horizontal and vertical field control.
  • Only horizontal and vertical control that will be used during construction is included in this file.

  1. Application Icon > New > survey-start.dwt
  2. Application Icon > Save-as > 12345678\BaseData\Surv-Cntrl.dwg
  3. Add the survey control point query to the file
    1. Toolspace > Survey tab > Survey Databases > SD-12345678 > Survey Queries
    2. Drag and drop the following query into the survey control file:
      1. Control Points
  4. Remove secondary points and other points that will not be used during construction.
  5. Save the drawing