Redundant intersection corridor feature lines

Last updated: 2022-12-05

Total video time: 11:18


Avoid creating corridor surfaces with two feature lines from two different regions on top of each other. This problem does not become apparent until the breakline extraction process is performed. Within an intersection, we typically get two feature lines in the red-highlighted areas.

  1. Along the main roadway, you get a Crown feature line from the curb return region and an ETW feature line from the mainline through lane region.
  2. Along the side road, you get a Crown feature line from both curb return regions.

The feature lines end up competing to define the surface. Then, when you extract the breaklines from the refinement surface definition, neither of the competing feature lines are coincident with the surface triangle vertices.


There are two ways that this can be addressed.

  1. Option A: Make sure that the competing feature lines have all the same vertices.

    1. Add special sections in competing regions.
    2. More difficult option.
  2. Option B: Delete/Remove the Crown point codes in the LnExtendBase subassembly within the curb return regions.

    1. No feature lines will be constructed along the crown portion of the Lane subassembly within the curb return regions. This removes the redundant feature line along the mainline ETW and the sideroad Crown.
    2. To correct the sideroad Crown (No feature lines from curb returns), add a 0 width lane region along sideroad alignment within the curb return regions.