Placing a culvert pipe
Last updated: 2021-02-09
Total video time: 53:32
Warning: A known issue has been identified related to Wisconsin county coordinate projections. Please make sure to use to only use projections beginning with "WisDOT NAD83/". Please review Wisconsin coordinate projection issue - XML/SDB for more information.
Pipe datum surface creation
Exercise files:
- Open the corridor drawing.
- Create a proposed datum surface that extends to the subgrade shoulder points named Crdr-{Roadway Name}-PipeDatum.
Info: This surface will be used to check for the appropriate amount of cover over the pipe.
- Save the drawing.
- Create a data shortcut for the surface.
Create combined surface
pipe-ntwrk-plac-clvrt-02.mp4 6:06
- Click New .
- Select the wisdot14.dwt template file.
- Select the Save As command.
- Save the file 12345678\Design\Surface\Surf-Cmbn-Ex-Top.dwg.
- In the Toolspace > Settings tab
- Right-click the name of the file (at the top).
- Choose Edit Drawing Settings.
- In the Units and Zone tab:
- Set the coordinate zone category to USA, Wisconsin.
- Set the coordinate zone to Wisconsin County Systems: Barron County, US Foot.
- Click Ok.
- Data shortcut reference the Exist ground surface.
- Data shortcut reference the Rfnt-Top surface.
- Create a new surface called Cmbn-Ex-Top
- Toolspace > Prospector tabright-click on Cmbn-Ex-Top and choose select.
- From the Context ribbon > Modify panel > Paster surface .
- Repeat the previous step, but now choose the Rfnt-Top surface
Tip: *Note: If the area of the existing surface does not cover the entire drainage basin for culvert, a DEM surface can be loaded into the drawing. The DEM surface would be pasted into the Composite surface before the Exist and Refinement-Top surfaces. Refer to 050-190-001 for creating a surface from a USGS DEM.
Create pipe network drawing
Exercise files:
pipe-ntwrk-plac-clvrt-03.mp4 10:55 (video used in the following 3 sections)
Warning: (missing or bad snippet)
- Click New
- Select the wisdot14-pipe.dwt template file.
- Select the Save As command.
- Save the file 12345678\Design\PipeNetworks\Pipe-Culverts.dwg.
- In the Toolspace > Settings tab
- Right-click the name of the file (at the top).
- Choose Edit Drawing Settings.
- In the Units and Zone tab:
- Set the coordinate zone category to USA, Wisconsin.
- Set the coordinate zone to Wisconsin County Systems: Barron County, US Foot.
- Click Ok
- Data shortcut reference all of the project roadway reference alignments.
- Data shortcut reference the Cmbn-Ex-Top surface.
- Data shortcut reference the Crdr-PipeDatum surface.
Determine culvert pipe alignment
Utilize contour styles for surfaces to determine natural channel alignment.
- Home tab > Create Design panel > Feature Line > Create Feature Line
- All defaults may be accepted in the Create Feature Lines dialogue box.
- Click Ok
- Digitize first point for defining the channel/pipe alignment.
- Click Enter
Tip: Elevation will be assigned at a later step. You can also set the elevation from the Cmbn-Ex-Top if you choose.
- Digitize the second point defining the channel/pipe alignment.
- Click Enter
- Click Enter
Drape the feature line over the Cmbn-Ex-Top surface
- Select the feature line.
- Feature Line Context ribbon > Modify panel > Edit Elevations .
- Click Elevations from Surface .
- Surface dialog > Set Elevations > pull-down menu choose Cmbn-Ex-Top
- Make sure "Insert intermediate grade break points" is checked.
- Click Ok.
- Select the feature line on the screen.
- Click Enter
Place metal culvert pipe #metal
pipe-ntwrk-plac-clvrt-04.mp4 13:13 (video used in the following 2 sections)
- Orbit to an isometric view. Display only what is necessary. Only the feature line is needed.
- Draw a line that will define the flowline of the pipe. Snap to the ditch lines or toes of slopes depending on your cross section.
- Use the MOVE command to move the line in the z direction by the distance of the pipe diameter.
- At this stage, estimate the required pipe size.
- Base point = 0,0,0 Second point = 0,0,[diameter]
- Trim the line using the feature line as the cutting object.
Tip: The line now defines the length of pipe along the crown.
- For concrete pipe, check the Apron Endwall SDDs and shorten each end of the line by the corresponding endwall "C" dimension.
See Concrete pipe with concrete endwalls for concrete pipe.
- Use the MOVE command again to move the line in the z direction by the distance of the pipe radius. Base point – 0,0,0 Second point = 0,0,[-radius]
Tip: The line now defines the length of pipe along the centerline.
- Home tab > Pipe Netowrk > Pipe Network Creation Tools
- Name the pipe network Culverts-25yr.
- Select the Culverts Parts List.
- Select the Crdr-PipeDatum surface.
- Select the roadway alignment.
- Structure and Pipe label styles can be set to <none>.
- From the Network Layout Tools menu, Pipes pull-downchoose the pipe size and type.
- Choose the corresponding apron endwalls from the structure pull-down box.
- Choose the Draw Pipes Only draw option.
- Toggle the Upslope/Downslope button for the direction that you want to draw the pipe.
- Snap to the two ends of the line.
Tip: The pipe may utilize rules to set its initial elevation. If this happens, use the grips at the ends of the pipe to snap it to the ends of the line.
Info: You will see the following error displayed in the panorama window. This error is normal. It simply means that the pipe rule could not located the Pipe Network surface at the ends of the pipe. This is because the Crdr- PipeDatum surface only extends out to the subgrade shoulder points Source: AeccDbNetworkRule::runDotNetScript Description: Unable to run macro: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2014\enu \C3DPipeNetworkRules.dll:PipeNetworkRule.PipeCover::ApplyRule
Attach the apron endwalls
- From the Network Layout Tools menu, select the Draw Structures only option.
- Click on the two ends of the pipe to attach the endwalls.
- To rotate an endwall, select it and use the circular rotation grip and snap it to the feature line
Check culvert pipe properties
pipe-ntwrk-plac-clvrt-05.mp4 4:49 (video used in the following 3 sections)
Check Design Criteria
- Select the pipe, right click, and choose Pipe Properties.
Tip: In the Rules tab, you can see what the minimum and maximum cover requirements are for the pipe. Compare those values with the actual values. Choose a different pipe type and/or configuration if these values are not met. Your roadway profile may also need adjustment.
Tip: Pipe slope, length, and elevation data can be found under the Part Properties tab.
- In the information tab, name the pipe it's station location for easy reference later on.
- Name the apron endwalls the station location of the pipe with the suffix In or Out.
Tip: For example: 100+00-In.
Determine Pipe Wall Thickness (Metal Pipe Only)
- View the pipe properties.
- In the Rules tab, view the actual maximum and minimum fill height for the pipe.
- Switch to the Part Properties tab and set the wall thickness according the fill height tables in the FDM.
Info: This value has little effect on the layout of the pipe, but it can be used later on for reporting purposes.
Create Data Shortcuts for Pipe Networks
- Save the drawing
- Create a data shortcut for the pipe network.
Concrete pipe with concrete endwalls #concrete
pipe-ntwrk-plac-clvrt-06.mp4 12:50 (video used in the following 2 sections)
- Same as for metal pipe except move the line defining the flowline up by the diameter plus the wall thickness.
Info: Wall thickness can be found on the Storm Sewer Summary.
- The line now represents the top of the concrete pipe. Trim the line against the feature line.
- If concrete endwalls are to be used, shorten the concrete pipe on each end by the ‘C' distance shown in the Apron Endwall Standard Detail Drawing.
Concrete pipe with metal sloped apron endwalls
- Same as for metal pipe above, except do not shorten the pipe by the ‘C' distance on each end.
- Attach the sloped apron endwalls.
- Rotate the endwalls to match the pipe direction.
- Select both endwalls.
- Use the AutoCAD MOVE command to move the endwalls down by the pipe wall thickness.