Infraworks: Inserting a IMX file

Last updated: 2022-12-13

Total video time: 7:43

An IMX file is a specific filetype for Autodesk software. This includes Civil 3D and Infraworks. When creating an IMX file from Civil 3D it will extract: Surfaces, Alignment and Profiles, and Pipe Networks.

Create IMX file in Civil 3D

  1. Open drawing file in Civil 3D
  2. Ribbon > Output tab > Export panel > Export IMX
  3. Please enter the writable Imx folder path <...\Projects|WisDOT>: select Enter to accept
  4.  Please enter the wanted Imx version: Select the most current version and Enter to accept
  5. Close Civil 3D

Import IMX file into InfraWorks

  1. Open InfraWorks
  2. Open model
  3. Ribbon > Manage tab > Content panel > Data Sources
  4. Data Sources panel > Add file data source dropdown > Autodesk IMX
  5. Select Files dialog box
    1. Navigate to your file location and select file
    2. Open
  6. Choose Data Sources dialog box
    1. Check boxes of objects to include; check roads or surfaces
    2. OK
  7. Data Sources panel
  8. Find added sources > right-click Config > select Configure

    Info: Surface data will be under Terrain. Roads data will be found under Roads.

  9. Data Source Configuration dialog box
    1. IMX tab
      1. Surface to Import: check box next to surface name
    2. Geo Location tab
      1. Coordinate System: verify its correct, HARN/WI.Richland.WI-F
    3. Sources tab
      1. Don't Drape
    4. Select Close & Refresh
  10. Message: You have surface(s) under the uncategorized folder. The surface under this folder will not be visible. Do you want to open Surface Layers Panel to manage surface layers? Yes
  11. Surface Layers dialog box
    1. Find surface layer, Terrain Surfaces > Uncategorized > Surface Name
    2. Right-click the Surface Name and drag to Ground Surface
    3. Select lightbulb to make it visible
    4. OK
  12. Repeat for Roads, change the Draping to Drape so the road appears on top of surface.