Infraworks: Inserting a IMX file
Last updated: 2022-12-13
Total video time: 7:43
An IMX file is a specific filetype for Autodesk software. This includes Civil 3D and Infraworks. When creating an IMX file from Civil 3D it will extract: Surfaces, Alignment and Profiles, and Pipe Networks.
Create IMX file in Civil 3D
- Open drawing file in Civil 3D
- Ribbon > Output tab > Export panel > Export IMX
- Please enter the writable Imx folder path <...\Projects|WisDOT>: select Enter to accept
- Please enter the wanted Imx version: Select the most current version and Enter to accept
- Close Civil 3D
Import IMX file into InfraWorks
- Open InfraWorks
- Open model
- Ribbon > Manage tab > Content panel > Data Sources
- Data Sources panel > Add file data source dropdown > Autodesk IMX
- Select Files dialog box
- Navigate to your file location and select file
- Open
- Choose Data Sources dialog box
- Check boxes of objects to include; check roads or surfaces
- OK
- Data Sources panel
- Find added sources > right-click Config > select Configure
Info: Surface data will be under Terrain. Roads data will be found under Roads.
- Data Source Configuration dialog box
- IMX tab
- Surface to Import: check box next to surface name
- Geo Location tab
- Coordinate System: verify its correct, HARN/WI.Richland.WI-F
- Sources tab
- Don't Drape
- Select Close & Refresh
- IMX tab
- Message: You have surface(s) under the uncategorized folder. The surface under this folder will not be visible. Do you want to open Surface Layers Panel to manage surface layers? Yes
- Surface Layers dialog box
- Find surface layer, Terrain Surfaces > Uncategorized > Surface Name
- Right-click the Surface Name and drag to Ground Surface
- Select lightbulb to make it visible
- OK
- Repeat for Roads, change the Draping to Drape so the road appears on top of surface.