Request Civil 3D software/license (WisDOT only)

Last updated: 2023-06-07

There are two things required to run Civil 3D at WisDOT.

  • The actual software
  • A license tied to your email, to run the software

Both can be obtained from a request to the service portal

IT Service Portal

WisDOT IT Service Portal (Network access required. Login with your email credentials)

To create a generic ticket, click Can't find what you're looking for above? at the bottom left of the page.

This will start an incident ticket. Below are the three request scenarios with recommended Title and Description of the ticket. Questions at the bottom of the ticket can all be answered No.

If you need an install, BITS will need to know your H#. This is an IT inventory number for your computer. It can be found in the top left icon (My Computer) of your desktop. It will be labeled something simlar to dotxxx on MAD31H99999. The H# is MAD31H99999.

Have software, need license

Title: Civil 3D license needed

Description: I need a Civil 3D license. My email is Please let me know if you have any questions.

Have license, need software

Title: Civil 3D install needed

Description: I need a Civil 3D install. My email is My H# is aaaXXHXXXXX. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Need software and license

Title: Civil 3D install and license needed

Description: I need a Civil 3D install and license. My email is My H# is aaaXXHXXXXX. Please let me know if you have any questions.


BITS will let you know when the request is completed.


When an install is requested, BITS will add the current version of Civil 3D to Software Center on your computer. There are steps after the software is installed that you will need to complete. Those steps are found at Civil 3D install and initialize process (WisDOT only)