Update WisDOT Civil 3D desktop application

Last updated: 2024-01-29

Warning: The following instructions are for consultant installation and are not to be used to install on any internal WisDOT device.

WisDOT offers a single desktop application “Update WisDOT Civil 3D” to receive the latest Civil 3D standards package for consultant users.

What to do if you already have Update WisDOT C3D desktop app installed

All versions of the application after the Update WisDOT Civil 3D ver 2022.6.0.6 may be upgraded without the need to uninstall the previous version. On the Windows Start menu run the Upgrade Update WisDOT C3D in the Wisconsin DOT folder. Once the upgrade is installed the Update WisDOT C3D desktop app may be used to install and update all versions of WisDOT C3D configurations for Civil 3D.

Legacy standards packages will still be available for version 2016 through a request to support.cae@dot.wi.gov

Warning: Autodesk Civil 3D is required to be fully installed, configured and initialized (opened once) prior to installing and running the Update WisDOT Civil 3D desktop app. If installed, Storm Sewer Analysis is also required to be initialized. The Update WisDOT Civil 3D desktop app does not install any Autodesk Civil 3D applications, updates, or extensions. The app deploys WisDOT standards files to be used when running Civil 3D.

What to do if you do not have the Update WisDOT C3D dektop app installed

Download the install file if an Update WisDOT Civil 3D version is not installed or the version installed is prior to the 2022.6.0.6 version.

Consultants can download the Update WisDOT Civil 3D desktop app Update WisDOT C3D_ver 20XX.x.x.x.msi from: https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/doing-bus/eng-consultants/cnslt-rsrces/tools/cad/civil-3d.aspx

Once the Update WisDOT C3D app is installed WisDOT C3D version updates can be performed following the directions found here:

Warning: The install will remove all files for all versions of Civil 3D that have been previously installed in C:\WisDOT\Stnd, except for the temp and users folders and all previous download packages in C:\WisDOT\Downloads.

What Civil 3D product versions does the Update WisDOT Civil 3D desktop app support?

Info: WisDOT recommends switching all projects to Civil 3D 2024 unless the project is using Civil 3D 2016.

The Update WisDOT Civil 3D desktop app currently supports updates the following Civil 3D versions:

  • 2018
  • 2020
  • 2022
  • 2024

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