Fatal error on open, reset Civil 3D

Last updated: 2024-01-29


Civil 3D may crash with a "Fatal Error" message. When re-opening Civil 3D, the "Fatal Error" message returns, even with computer restarts and re-opening of Civil 3D.


WisDOT staff

  1. Click the “Update WisDOT C3D” icon in the taskbar tray to open the menu.
    1. Help - Reset Civil 3D

  2. Civil 3D will reset and the WisDOT configuration will be reinstalled.
  3. From the desktop, Civil 3D WisDOT

External users

  1. Close Civil 3D, if open.
  2. Start > Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 20XX > Reset Settings to Default

  3. Reset Settings - Backup dialog box > Reset custom settings

  4. OK after settings have been reset.

  5. Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D will begin an initialization process. Once it completes, AutoCAD will open. Do not interrupt this process.

  6. Once AutoCAD opens completely, close the application.
  7. From the desktop, Update WisDOT C3D
    1. Click the checkbox next to the version to be updated
    2. Deploy

  8. Let the Civil 3D update process complete.
  9. From the desktop, Civil 3D WisDOT

  10. Once the application opens, WisDOT Tab > Support panel drop-down > Refresh / Configure System Profile
    1. Civil 3D will close.
  11. Re-open Civil 3D WisDOT. The application is ready to use.