Export alignment superelevation data

Last updated: 2022-08-29

Total video time: 4:33

Civil 3D 2020 and later – export to xlsx

Alignment superelevation information is exported to an Excel spreadsheet instead of using the CSV export button in superelevation tabular editor.

See Contractor Data - Superelevation Report for more information.

Civil 3D versions prior to 2020 – export to csv

Export alignment superelevation CSV files

  1. Open drawing file with alignment to export
  2. Select the centerline alignment graphically.
  3. Contextual ribbon > Modify > Superelevation pulldown > View Tabular Editor
  4. Tabular Editor panorama > Export Superelevation Data icon
  5. In the Export to CSV dialog browse to the project 12345678\const\CD-Design\CD-AliProf and type in the filename < Construction_ID >-Super-Ali-< Ali Name >.csv
  6. Save

Clean up alignment superelevation csv file

Info: If your design has no "inside" lanes or shoulders (non-divided design) you will need to delete extra columns from the csv file.

  1. Open file 12345678\const\CD-Design\CD-AliProf\< Construction_ID >-Super-Ali-< Ali Name >.csv
  2. Review this file. It had superelevation data for both the outside lanes and shoulders as well as the inside lanes and shoulders. Nothing needs to be cleaned out of this file.
  3. Open file Superelevation Example.CSV
  4. Select the Column G header (Left Inside Lane) then CTRL + select following columns:
    1. Column H (Left Inside Shoulder)
    2. Column K (Right Inside Lane)
    3. Column L (Right Inside Shoulder)
    4. Right-click > Delete to remove columns.
    5. Save