Steering wheel control

Last updated: 2021-10-22

Steering wheel control is found in the navigation toolbar on the right side of the screen. Steering wheel control is a series of navigation controls that follow the cursor when turned on. Navigation controls include zoom to, pan to, orbit, and center.

Open navigation toolbar

  1. View tab > Viewport Tools panel > select Navigation Bar
  2. navbar, Enter an option: on

Steering wheel and parts

Select Full Navigation Wheel, 2nd icon from the top, to have the steering wheel appear attached to the cursor.

The steering wheel has different parts that are highlight as you go over them. Place wheel where you went the command to start before selecting.

Outside ring:

  1. Zoom, hold left-click and move mouse forward and backward
  2. Orbit, use Center to create a pivot point and move mouse to orbit
  3. Pan, hold left-click and move around screen
  4. Rewind, rewind video

Inside ring:

  1. Walk, walk over your project
  2. Center, pivot point for the orbit
  3. Look
  4. Up/Down

To close wheel, select the X in upper right corner of wheel or use ESC.

Wheel Choices

Below the Full Navigation Wheel icon is a dropdown arrow to open a menu. Checkmark appears before the selected wheel.

  1. Full Navigation Wheel, detailed above.
  2. Mini Full Navigation Wheel, smaller wheel that includes same tools as Full Navigation Wheel.
  3. Mini View Object Wheel, smaller wheel that includes pan, zoom, orbit, and rewind.
  4. Mini Tour Building Wheel, smaller wheel that includes walk, look, rewind, and up/down.
  5. Basic View Object Wheel, includes center, zoom, rewind, and orbit.
  6. Basic Tour Building Wheel, includes forward, look, rewind, and up/down.
  7. 2D Wheel, includes zoom, rewind, and pan.