Floating curves in alignments

Last updated: 2023-05-02

Total video time: 5:44

Floating curve

Description of each curve type

In each description, the curve is attached to a fixed line segment.

  • Fixed curve: When the vertex is selected and moved, the point between the curve and line segment, the tangency is not maintained.
  • Free curve: When the vertex, or pass-through point, is selected and moved, the tangency is maintained but the curve's radius and length change.
  • Floating curve: When the vertex is selected and moved, curve moves with the line and tangency is maintained with no change to the curve's radius or length.

Info: Floating curves are not used often in WisDOT projects because maintaining tangency between straight line segments is easier to do using free curves. Floating curves are generally created for reverse curves or compound curves off an existing alignment.

Add a floating curve, to north end of project

  1. Open drawing file
    1. Quick Access > Open
    2. Select File dialog box
      1. Look in: ...c3d\12345678\dsgn\aliprof
      2. Select file AliProf-25-Best-Fit.dwg
      3. Open
  2. Select alignment STH25-Best-Fit
  3. Contextual ribbon > Modify panel > select Geometry Editor

    Tip: Or you could right-click the alignment and select Edit Alignment Geometry...

  4. Alignment Layout Tools toolbar
    1. Curves dropdown > More Floating Curves fly-out menu > select Floating Curve (From entity end, radius, length)
  5. Select entity to attach to: select alignment STH25-Best-Fit
  6. Specify curve direction [Clockwise
  7. cOunterclockwise]: Clockwise
  8. Specify radius or [Degree of curvature]: type 2500 Enter
  9. Specify curve length or [deltaAngle Tanlen Chordlen widOrd]: type 1056.87 Enter