Desktop Connector 16.2 Rollout
Last updated: 2023-05-08
Desktop Connector (DC) 16.0 was released by Autodesk in November 2022 but there were problems installing for enterprises. DC 16.1 was released in January 2023 and introduced a significant issue when using Civil 3D 2022.2 or later. DC 16.2 was released in April 2023 to resolve the issues in both DC 16.0 and DC 16.1.
CONNECT Help | About Autodesk Docs Connector | Autodesk
CONNECT Help | Desktop Connector 16.x FAQs | Autodesk
Changes mentioned below only apply to the new Autodesk Desktop Connector. The Autodesk Desktop Connector has been completely redesigned making it faster, providing better feedback, and adding support of familiar file explorer workflows.
- Fast navigation in Windows File Explorer.
- Faster open times especially when files are already on the local machine
- Improved open times regarding AutoCAD XREFs of type Overlay
- Autodesk Docs locking will now automatically be applied to all file types when files are opened. Files that are locked by other users will be made read-only on the local machine. Locks will automatically be removed upon closing of the file. Learn more about File Locking
- Native Windows File Explorer commands/workflows are now available in the Autodesk Desktop Connector.
- Improved feedback through the new Desktop Connector Home Screen.
Can my company use versions 15.8 and 16.2 on the same project?
- Due to changes in 16.2 it is recommended but not required that everyone move up to 16.2 at the same time.
- With the changes around permissions, users in 15.8 may have paths truncated while 16.2 will contain the full path.
- The Autodesk Desktop Connector will no longer fix references on download. Move and Rename operations from the Docs cloud data source can result in files not being found during open operations on the local machine. Resulting behaviors will be similar to working on a local drive or a network share.
- Since environments and configurations can be different for each customer, it is recommended that you test this mix version environment to see if the above differences affect your users.
- For AutoCAD users there is a change in behavior when performing Save As workflows. In 15.8 the parent drawing will retain all references to the new location. With 16.2 Save As will only save the parent file and the references will not be attached or saved with that file to the new location.
New Features and Enhancements
Notable performance gains
- Faster file lock/unlocking
- Faster download/upload syncs
- File explorer is faster when navigating through folders
- Faster version checking
- File open and sync times
- DC 15.8 mines and syncs all files in reference tree on EVERY file open.
- DC 16.2 only syncs/checks references that AutoCAD/Civil 3D asks for.
- Listens to overlay assignments in external references.
- Does not mine for surface sources (XMLs, SRV, FLTs, Corridors)
File Explorer
Compared Desktop Connector 15.8, Desktop Connector 16.2 now utilizes all of the native file explorer functionality you would come to expect. All ribbon buttons are available, along with all right click options. Files in Autodesk Docs can be treated as if they were in any other folder: drag and drop, copy/cut/paste, rename, delete, etc.
CONNECT Help | Docs - Manage Files and Folders | Autodesk
- DC 16.2 is faster when navigating through folders
- Native file explorer functionality
- Ribbons
- Right click menu
- Folder icons
- Drag and Drop
- Copy-Paste
Native Windows Commands
File Explorer - Right Click
- Full support of the native file explorer right click menu.
- Limited cloud specific commands
- Always keep on this device
- Automatically update your connector with the latest file versions from the cloud
- Free up space
- Always keep on this device
- Missing cloud specific commands that were in 15.8
- View Online
- Sync (It is MDU's opinion that this is not a game changer. The new desktop connector is very good about syncing the appropriate files on open)
- Lock/Unlock
Home Screen
CONNECT Help | Docs - Home Screen and Activities | Autodesk
The home screen displays your Desktop Connector activities, as well as menu options previously accessed from the tray icon.The activities from the previous 24 hours are displayed which is a major update to the way project, folder, and file activities were displayed in the previous Pending Actions screen. These activities now include queued, processing, completed, conflicted and error states, and different workflows in order to resolve any conflicts or errors. Click the Desktop Connector tray icon to access the Autodesk Docs home screen.
The home screen of Desktop Connector includes the menu options previously accessed directly from the tray icon. Right-click the tray icon or click the "settings" button to access the menu options.
The home screen only shows upload activity and does not show download activity. Download activity is handled by the standard Windows download notification. Download status is also displayed in File Explorer under the Status column.
File Cache and Free up Space Automation
- Manual free up space is available for files/folders through the file explorer right click menu.
You can automatically free up space in your Autodesk Desktop Connector by using Windows Storage Sense settings.
CONNECT Help | Docs - Free Up Space | Autodesk
Upload Files/References
Option 1
- Copy/Paste within File Explorer
Actually works well if project data management is perfect!
- Relative paths
Tests of complete datasets have been successful!
Option 2
- Desktop Connector Home screen > Settings > Upload Files and References
- Allows to select a design file to upload and it will farm for all of the references to that file and upload those as well.
CONNECT Help | Docs - Upload Files and References Tool | Autodesk
Option 3
- Upload via web interface
Using Desktop Connector 16.2
Prior to connecting to project!
Verify the correct local workspace is set up (IMPORTANT)
Old workspace for DC 15.8: C:\users\USERPROFILE\ACCDOCS (Verify this does NOT exist)
New default workspace must be: C:\users\USERPROFILE\DC\ACCDOCS
Connect to projects
In v15.xx, all projects you can access will automatically be added to your connector. When you first sign in to Desktop Connector 16.1.1, you will be asked to make your initial project selections. All the projects you can access are listed in All projects. Select the projects and click Save. This can be updated later if desired.
Projects will work to connect. No files will actually sync.
Once projects are connected, Windows file explorer will display all files that are on the cloud and available for application access. (Similar to other cloud services).
Begin Work
Do not open Civil 3D files from Windows Explorer. Always use Civil 3D to open files. Other file types (Microsoft Office, PDF, etc) can be accessed via double-click.
- Use Civil 3D Start Tab > Autodesk Docs
- Use File Open dialog
Continue Work
- DC 16.0+ is intended to work almost as if files are stored locally.
- Work as if the files are stored on the C-Drive. But also be aware of upload syncs after Saving.
- Save as often as you would like.
- Maintain awareness of file locking/unlocking.
- Keep an eye on file status.
- Practice GREAT data management. Data management for Civil 3D projects
Recommend to use Batch Plot and .DSD files. Using Civil 3D results in a SIGNFICANT increase in plotting time. Do not recommend using Sheet Set Manager to plot.
To set up a .DSD file:
- Create from Civil 3D Sheet Set
- Open Sheet Set Manager in Civil 3D
- Home tab > Palettes panel dropdown > Sheet Set Manager
- Sheet Set Manager palette > Open
- Navigate to Sheet Set file location and select *.dst file
- Select range of sheets/subsets > Right-click > Publish Dialog Box...
- Publish to: PDF
- PDF Preset: WisDOT PDF
- Sheet Set Publish Options: Set default save location.
- Publish dialog box > Save
- Select file location and name to save dsd (Example: **ProjectID\sheets\SheetLists\.dsd*).
- Open Sheet Set Manager in Civil 3D
- Create from Civil 3D Batch Plot
- In Civil 3D Output Tab > Plot Panel > Batch Plot
- Publish to: PDF
- PDF Preset: WisDOT PDF
- Sheet Set Publish Options: Set default save location.
to add sheet files
- In Select Drawings dialog, select all desired dwgs.
- Include: Layout
- Prefix sheet title with file name: Checked
- Select
- Sort the Sheet List by "Sheet Name" column
- Review "Status" column for any errors.
- Remove any sheets that do not belong.
- If Page Setup is missing, open the dwg and use the WisDOT Sheets > Page Setups Palette to add the appropriate page setup.
- Select file location and name to save dsd (Example: ProjectID\sheets\SheetLists\*.dsd).
- In Civil 3D Output Tab > Plot Panel > Batch Plot
Plot option workflows
- Publish Collections Manager
- Create publish collections for different batches of sheets.
- Automate it using Windows Task Scheduler for overnight plotting!
Gaps between Civil 3D 2022 and Civil 3D 2023.2.1+ on Desktop Connector 16.2
Surfaces built from .txt or .xml files
- Surface source file couldn’t be found
- User A creates a surface from a .txt or .xml
- User B opens dwg containing surface. Error within surface: source file couldn’t be found.
- Civil 3D is unable to resolve the local user cache path of the .xml or .txt file
- Manually fix the file path in the surface definition
Creating a data shortcut project folder using template could fail
- While using a project folder template (such as the WisDOT Data Shortcut Project template), there is a high probability that not all of the folders in the new data shortcut project will be copied from the template.
- Once the data shortcut project is created, manually copy the folders from the template to complete the data shortcut project.
File Open Dialog/Recent Files and Civil 3D 2022
- If files are listed in Civil 3D Start Tab Recent, those files will remain synced to local.
- ie. If you choose to Free Up Space of a file and it is listed in Recent, when Civil 3D is opened next, the file will re-download. There may be a lag while Civil 3D opens.
- If file is not synced locally, upon selection of the file in the file open dialog, the file will download locally prior to actually being able to open.
- Once the file downloads, it can be selected to open.
- This does not affect Civil 3D 2023 and 2024.
While the files in the Recent tab and file open dialog are downloading, Civil 3D may appear frozen. Be patient, once files are downloaded, Civil 3D will become usable.
Tips and Tricks
Surface data reference storage options
To Work With Surface References | Civil 3D 2020 | Autodesk Knowledge Network
In the Toolspace list view, for the value in the Data Reference Status column, specify one of the following options:
- Geometry Stored In Drawing: Saves the geometry of reference surfaces in the drawing. The drawing will become larger, but will open more quickly unless the source surface has changed. The referenced surfaces will be visible even if the source drawings are not available.
Reference Only: Does not save the geometry of reference surfaces in the drawing.
WisDOT Template is set to Reference Only. For upload/download of active design file, will not have to sync/upload a large existing surface. For example, a test cross section file on ACC:
- Existing surface with Geometry Stored in XS dwg: 125 Mb
- Existing surface reference only in XS dwg: 13 Mb (Much faster upload speeds - does not have to upload surface information)
Data management for a successful project
Data management for Civil 3D projects
- Physical limit to how large the files can be and expect quick open/save/sync.
- Depends on computer specifications and network speeds.
- Split up files (corridors, existing surface) to keep working files small. Save time during file sync.
- Minimize XREF's/DREF's that aren't required.
- Minimize saved/loaded XREFs in files that get XREFed elsewhere (IE: pavt files)
- If a XREF is unloaded, consider detaching to break the connection.
- Use Overlay and relative path for Xrefs. Better yet, use the WisDOT Xref tools - Load Xref on Layer
Renaming files
We recommend avoiding renaming files with common names in the same folder, in quick succession.
- For instance avoid renaming 1.dwg to 2.dwg and 0.dwg to 1.dwg in quick succession, as the re-use of "1.dwg" in that workflow can cause problems.
Or avoid renaming 1.dwg to 2.dwg and then creating a new file named 1.dwg right away.
- Pause between the two renames to allow databases to sync. Maybe 5 or 10 minutes
Avoid renaming files and re-using a file name
If you have this problem that is a result of this, unsubscribe from the project and reset desktop connector (See Troubleshooting). Typical Windows message is "Addin Process.exe is downloading" followed by syncing errors and possibly a Desktop Connector crash.
- Next Desktop Connector will have a resolution for this scenario
Files don't unlock
Have seen some cases that files don't unlock. Only way to unlock is via web interface by admin or user.
Reset Desktop Connector
CONNECT Help | Reset Desktop Connector | Autodesk
This resolves any of the following issues:
- The Desktop Connector 16.x crashes on startup.
- Errors reported as “Failed to connect the syncroot”.
- Projects that the user hasn’t subscribed to are still being shown in File Explorer.
- Desktop Connector workspace is not in the expected location (i.e. %userprofile%\DC\ACCDocs).
- The ACCDocs connector is showing duplicates of the same account/hub.
The ACCDocs connector is showing folders with a name “_C”.
Project Syncing Errors
CONNECT Help | Docs - Manage Projects | Autodesk
Sometimes there can be a syncing error when a project's data can't update between your connector and the cloud data source.