Annotative scale

Last updated: 2023-01-04

Total video time: 16:24

Annotative scaling is a way to control display and scaling of certain annotation-related AutoCAD objects when setting up a sheet layout to plot. The purpose of this scaling is to maintain readability of your plan sheet regardless of the sheet scale. For instance, you may want to label individual property parcels on a 1 IN:40 FT scale, but omit the parcel labels at a 1 IN:200 FT scale since they would not be readable. You may want to label street or highway names at a constant plotted text height on both a 1 IN:40 FT scale sheet and a 1 IN:200 FT sheet. You can accomplish both of these scenarios without creating duplicate text objects and Layers for different sheet sizes. It should be noted that Civil 3D objects will be labeled automatically based on their Label Style and these Labels will automatically scale similarly to AutoCAD objects affected by Annotative scaling.

Any object that will be affected by Annotative Scaling is said to be Annotative. AutoCAD objects available to be Annotative include Multiline Text, legacy single line Text, Blocks, Hatch objects, Dimensions and Multileaders. Many of the text-related WisDOT Styles (Multiline Text, Dimension and Multileader Styles) are already set up to be Annotative. You can also change any Non-annotative Multiline Text, legacy single line Text, Block, Hatch object, Dimension or Multileader to be Annotative through the Properties Palette.

This training module will familiarize you with basic sheet Layout concepts necessary to understand Annotative Scaling, how Annotative Scaling works and tools/best practices for managing Annotative objects. More detailed information on sheet Layouts and plotting will be covered in other training modules.